12.5.3                  Postprocessing and circuit parameters

·       FDPROB (<lower_freq>,<upper_freq>,<freq_step>) – Enables frequency domain probing – FD-Probing post-processing.

·       FDPROBPAV (<lower_freq>,<upper_freq>,<freq_step>) – Enables frequency domain probing for power available from the source – Power Available post-processing.

·       SK1DIFF (<lower_freq>,<upper_freq>,<freq_step>,<assumptions>)– Activates S-Parameters post-processing in SK1 differential regime (S-correction assumptions options: 0 - nonreciprocal N-port, 1 - reciprocal N-port, 2 - reciprocal lossless 2-port

·       SMNDIFF (<lower_freq>,<upper_freq>,<freq_step>,<assumptions>,<mode>,<IterForS>) – Activates S-Parameters post-processing in Smn differential regime (S-correction assumptions options: 0 - nonreciprocal N-port, 1 - reciprocal N-port, 2 - reciprocal lossless 2-port; mode options: 0 - single simulator & single thread, 1 - multisimulator)

·       NTF (<frequencies_string>)– Enables NTF post-processing and sets NTF frequencies (separated with space)

·       NTFBAND (<lower_freq>,<upper_freq>,<freq_step>) – Enables NTF post-processing and sets NTF frequencies with a band

·       NTFFA (<lower frequency>,<upper frequency>,<frequency step>,<phi_theta_strings>) – Enables NTF Fixed Angle post-processing, <phi_theta_strings> - “phi1 theta1; phi2 theta2; …”

·       NTFFAWALLS (<x1>,<x2>,<y1>,<y2>,<z1>,<z2>) Turns on/off (1/0) NTFFA walls for NTF Fixed Angle post-processing.

·       NTN (<frequencies_string>)– Enables NTN post-processing and sets NTN frequencies (separated with space)

·       NTNBKG (<eps>,<mu>,<sig>,<msig>) – Defines NTN background dielectric properties

·       ADDNTNPOINT (<list_name>,<x>,<y>,<x>) – Defines NTN point with x, y and z coordinated and adds it to the list_name list

·       DELETENTNLIST (<list_name>) – Clears the list_name list

·       FDM (<frequencies_string>) – Sets frequencies for Fields Monitor post-processing

·       FDM3DSPARS (<sparsity>) Sets spatial sparsity for Fields Monitor post-processing

·       FDMSPARS (<sparsX>, <sparsY>, <sparsZ>) – Sets spatial sparsity for Fields Monitor post-processing in X, Y, and Z direction.

·       FDMCOMP (<Ex>,<Ey>,<Ez>,<Hx>,<Hy>,<Hz>) – Sets components (0 – turn off, other value – turn on) for Fields Monitor post-processing

·       EXHTIMEINTEGRAL (<Sx>,<Sy>,<Sz>,<sparsityX>,<sparsityY>,<sparsityZ>) - Activates ExH Time Integral post-processing, sets components (0 – turn off, other value – turn on) and spatial sparsity for X, Y and Z direction

·       NTFBKG (<eps>,<mu>,<sig>,<msig>) – Defines NTF and PlaneWave background dielectric properties

·       PRONY (<take_every>,<below>) Enables QProny for S-Parameters post-processing

·       POSTP (<postprocessing_index>,<on/off>) – Turns on/off post-processings and changes their options. <postprocessing_index> refers to consecutive options (check boxes and radio buttons) in the Processing/Postprocessing dialogue.

< postprocessing_index > :

1.     FD-Probing post-processing

2.     Power Available post-processing

3.     S-Parameters post-processing

4.     Obsolete

5.     Obsolete

6.     NTFpost-processing

7.     NTF Fixed Angle post-processing

8.     Fields Monitor post-processing

9.     QProny for S-Parameters post-processing

10.  Multi simulator Smn regime in the S-Parameters post-processing

11.  Obsolete

12.  reciprocal N-port in the S-Parameters post-processing

13.  reciprocal lossless 2-port in the S-Parameters post-processing

14.  Obsolete

15.  Obsolete

16.  Obsolete

17.  STEMPLATE_PARAMETERS (Sk1 at reference planes or Smn at reference planes)

18.  Fields Monitor post-processing

19.  GammaK option for S-Parameters post-processing

20.  ExH Time Integral post-processing

21.  correction for TEM transmission lines in the S-Parameters post-processing


< on/off > - 0 – turn off, a number not equal 0 – turn on


·       CIRTYPE (<type>,<default medium>) – Sets circuit type (type options: 0 – 2DV, 2 - 3DP, 4 – 2DVcoa, otherwise 3D) and default material (“metal” or “air”)

·       PERIODIC (<activity_x>,<activity_y>,<activity_z>,<beta_x>,<beta_y>,<beta_z>) – Defines features for periodic circuits

·       UNITS (<space>,<frequency>) – Sets project units (space options: 0 - milimeters, 1 – micrometers, 2 - inches, 3 – mils, 4 – meters, 5 - nanometers; frequency always GHz)

·       UNITSGEOMETRY (<space>) – Sets project’s geometry units (space values: 0 - milimeters, 1 – micrometers, 2 - inches, 3 – mils, 4 – meters, 5 – nanometers, other - milimeters)

·       UNITSFREQUENCY (<frequency>) – Sets project’s frequency units (frequency values: 0 - GHz, 1 – Hz, 2 - kHz, 3 – MHz, 4 – THz, 5 – PHz, other - GHz)

·       ANGVAR (<n>) – For 2DVcoa circuits sets modal angular variation (range [0-99]). For 3DP circuits sets phase shift per period

·       LOSSES (<control_string>) – Controls losses suppression and metal loss bandwidth. The following substrings are recognized in control_string

"-M" - suppress magnetic losses

"+M" - enable magnetic losses

"-E"/"+E" - suppress/enable electric losses

"-P"/"+P" - suppress/enable metal losses

"BN"/"BD"/"BT" - narrow/decade/two-decades metal losses bandwidth.

·       EXPOPT (<Suppress singularity corrections>, <Suppress density/SAR>, <Allow BHM>) - Sets export options. Parameters: 1 – check option (on), 0 – uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).

·       EXPOPT2 (<what>, <OnOff>) - Sets advanced export options

<what> means:

0 - <Suppress singularity corrections>

1 - <Suppress density/SAR>

2 - <Allow BHM>

3 - <Suppress subregions export>

4 - <Allow Template QS Test>


<OnOff>: 1 - check option (on), 0 - uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).

·       SFM (<sfm>) – Sets stability factor modifier. The stability factor for simulation will be multiplied by <sfm> factor. If <sfm> factor is equal to 1, then it will not be used.

·       ENERGYALLOW (<Allow>) – Switches on or off energy stop criterion that will be used in simulation: <Allow>: 0 – off, 1 – on

·       ENERGYPAR (<energyLevelDescentDB>, <energyLevelLogEveryDB>, <energyProbingEvery>, <sParametersAccuracy>, <pulsesNbLimit>) – Sets parameters for energy stop criterion

·       ENERGYOPT (<saveSParametersWhenFinished> ,<freezeWhenFinished>, <suspendWhenFinished>, <continueAfterPulsesNbLimit>) – Sets options for energy stop criterion:

<saveSParametersWhenFinished>: 0 – off, 1 – on

<freezeWhenFinished>: 0 – off, 1 – on

<suspendWhenFinished>: 0 – off, 1 – on

<continueAfterPulsesNbLimit>: 0 – off, 1 – on


See also: Postprocessings, Units, Circuit settings and Energy Stop Criterion.


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