2.16 Reproduce

The  button in the 2D Window toolbar and Edit->Reproduce... command from 2D Window menu invoke Reproduce dialogue.

This dialogue commands operate on the group of marked elements. These elements are drawn with thick contours. Elements can be marked or unmarked in the Select Element dialogue. Marked elements can be shifted, rotated or reflected. The number of copies indicates how many times the operation should be performed. Any number greater than zero leaves also one copy of the marked element(s) in the original position.

Pressing the Exec button in the Shift zone will move the marked element(s) by X, Y, Z units.

Pressing the Exec button in the Rotate zone will make a copy of the marked element(s) rotated with respect to the introduced angle. Note that the axis of rotation is the point of the last left mouse click over the active 2D Window.

Pressing the Shift&Rotate button will produce copies of the marked element(s) each one shifted by X, Y, Z units and rotated by the introduced angle. Note that one possible application of the Shift&Rotate option may be drawing of spiral conductors.

Pressing the Exec button in the Mirror zone will create a mirror image of the marked element(s), with respect to the selected plane.

Clear in any zone clears the settings introduced in that zone.



It is the user’s responsibility to avoid producing intersecting elements during this operation. If such elements are produced, they should be treated using Join option prior to the FDTD simulation. Otherwise they may cause incorrect calculation or even a run time error of the software.