15.1 Batch operation and generation of tasker files
In standard operation QW-Simulator executes a sequence of tasks specified in the tasker (*.ta3) file. Tasker files generated by QW-Editor refer to one particular project. As an example, let us consider the contents of two standard example: a 3D example ..\Various\Wgtocx\wgtocx1.ta3 file for waveguide-to-coax transition discussed in User Guide 3D: Waveguide-to-coax transition chapter and a V2D example ..\Antennas\Ant1\ant1.ta3 file describing a horn antenna as discussed in User Guide V2D: Simple horn antenna chapter.
Example 1:
QW-3D |
QW-V2D |
TemplateDV guideinp_wgtocx1 automatic 5000 *iterations limit for sinus 22.5 *frequency matching 10 *within +- TemplateQS coaxout_wgtocx1 0.005 *impedance tolerance 1000 *checking period 500000 *iterations limit Run wgtocx1 |
TemplateDV inp_ant1 automatic 10000 *iterations limit for sinus 300 *frequency matching 10 *within +- Run ant1
The main task is Run performed on wgtocx1.pa3 (ant1.pa3) file. It is preceded by two tasks for generating modal templates in waveguide (TemplateDV) and coax (TemplateQS) ports. Calculations on wgtocx1.pa3 (ant1.pa3) will continue until interrupted by the user.
QW-Simulator is prepared to execute more complicated tasker files, including a variety of commands for saving results and field patterns, and possibly referring to several different projects. Please remember that Export command must be performed in QW-Editor on all these projects before running the *.ta3 file, to ensure that all other intermediate files (*.pa3, *.sh3, *.tpl) are available.
Example 2:
Consider ..\Various\Wgtocx\wg_1_21.ta3 and ..\Antennas\Ant1\ant1_br.ta3 files:
QW-3D |
QW-V2D |
TemplateDV guideinp_wgtocx1 automatic 5000 *iterations limit for sinus 22.5 *frequency matching 10 *within + TemplateQS coaxout_wgtocx1 0.005 *impedance tolerance 1000 *checking period 100000 *iterations limit RunIter wgtocx1 3000 Save_Results wg1_3.da3 QW_3D Continue 4000 Save_Results wg1_4.da3 QW_3D TemplateDV guideinp_wgtocx2 automatic 5000 *iterations limit for sinus 22.5 *frequency matching 10 *within + TemplateQS coaxout_wgtocx2 0.005 *impedance tolerance 1000 *checking period 100000 *iterations limit RunIter wgtocx2 3000 Save_Results wg2_3.da3 QW_3D Continue 4000 Save_Results QW_3D |
TemplateDV inp_ant1 automatic 10000 300 10 RunIter ant1.pa3 1000 Save_Results ant1_1.da3 QW_3D Continue 2000 Save_Results ant1_2.da3 QW_3D Save_Antenna_Results_Extended ant1_3.da3 QW_3D X theta 90.000000 5.000000 0.000000 180.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 onlynear RunIter ant1_sin 2000 Field_Envelope ant1_sin ant1_333.fe3 Hz Plane_XY 1 2200 Continue 0
In QW-3D it first simulates the wgtocx1 project, similarly as ..\Wgtocx\wgtocx1.ta3 above. However, the analysis is interrupted at iteration 3000 and S-parameter results are saved to wg1_3.da3 file. The analysis then continues until iteration 4000, and the updated results are saved. Afterwards, the sequence of operations is repeated on the wgtocx2 project.
In QW-V2D it first simulates the ant1 project, similarly as ..\Antennas\Ant1\ant1.ta3 above. However, the analysis is interrupted at iteration 1000 and S-parameter results are saved to ant1_1.da3 file. The analysis then continues until iteration 2000, and the updated S-results are saved as well as radiation patterns. Afterwards, the ant1_sin project with sinusoidal excitation at 333 GHz is run and the envelope of azimuthal magnetic field is saved.
Refer to Syntax of tasker files chaapter for syntax details of tasker commands. The available tasks are also listed in alphabetic order in Tasker commands in alphabetic order chapter.
Here let us explain how tasker files may be created. We may use either Breakpoints dialogues of QW-Simulator or any text editor. The advantage of using the Breakpoints mechanism is that it ensures correct syntax of generated files and prompts the user to provide all the necessary information. The Breakpoints dialogue is available before Start simulation is invoked, or after Stop simulation.
The notions of breakpoints and tasks will be used alternatively here as the difference between the two is rather philosophical. Breakpoints are related to interactive operation of QW-Simulator and meant to suspend its action or save requested data at specific iteration points. Tasks are related to batch operation. The syntax of both is identical, however.