1.1.2   Run

QW-Simulator Run tab is arranged in sections enabling basic file operations like loading projects, defining Breakpoints, and starting and managing simulation process.



Project section

home_project0      home_project2      home_project

Project section contains the following commands:

button_open - opens QW-Simulator tasker, parameters, shape or freeze file

button_recent - shows the list of projects that have been recently loaded. See Preferences chapter for more information about setting the number of recent files.

button_home_open_tasker - opens tasker file (*.ta3)

button_home_open_freeze - opens freeze file (*.sfr)

button_home_open_shape - opens shape file (*.sh3)

button_home_project_description - opens and edits project description file

button_home_edit_ta3 - edits current tasker file

button_home_import_recent - opens Import Recent Files dialogue for importing recent files list from other version of QuickWave

button_home_clear_recent - clears the list of projects that have been recently loaded

button_home_clear_env - clears the list and settings of windows that have been opened


Freeze section


Freeze section contains the following command:

button_freeze - saves the current simulation state to the freeze file


Run Simulation section

run_runsim0      run_runsim2

Run Simulation section contains the following commands:

button_start - starts the simulation

button_stop - stops the simulation

button_suspend - suspends the simulation

button_resume - resumes the simulation

button_step - executes one FDTD iteration of the current simulation

button_batch - opens Batch Run dialogue for configuration of batch simulations

button_setpriority - sets system priority of QW-Simulator process


Breakpoints section


Breakpoints section contains the following command:

button_breakpoints - opens Breakpoints dialogue for breakpoints configuration


Create section


Create section contains the following commands:

button_creare - creates the simulation but does not start the calculation (see Step by step simulation execution)

button_delete - deletes created simulation


Next section


Next section contains the following commands:

button_nexttask - switches to the next task defined in the task list

button_nextppos - switches to the next available post-processing and sets it as current (the name of the current post-processing is displayed in the status bar)


Template section


Template section contains the following commands:

button_templatetest - activates the test mode of the template mode generation – the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window will be displayed for each process of template mode generation

button_templatesaved - opens 2D/3D Fields Distribution windows with all generated template mode fields distribution


Slow Down section


Slow Down section contains the following commands:

button_slowdown - opens Slow Down dialogue for switching on or off the simulation slow down

button_slowdown2 - switches on or off and sets the size of simulation slow down


Manual BHM section

Manual BHM section contains the following commands:

 - opens BHM Settings dialogue for manual BHM heating pattern construction

button_thermalef - opens BHM Settings dialogue for invoking manual BHM heating


Point Excitation section

run_pointexc      run_pointexc2

Point Excitation section contains the following command:

button_zchange - contains commands for modifying internal impedance of lumped sources/probes:

button_zchange_auto - opens Automatic Z Changing dialogue for automatic modification of internal impedance of lumped sources/probe

button_zchange_inc - increases internal impedance at a particular time instant: the output impedance will be multiplied by a factor of 1.01

button_zchange_decr - decreases internal impedance at a particular time instant: the output impedance will be divided by a factor of 1.01


Change section


Change section contains the following command:

button_freqamp - opens Change Frequency/Amplitude dialogue for changing the frequency and amplitude of the excitation in the BHM heating process


Waveform section


Waveform section contains the following command:

button_waveform - opens 1D Fields window(s) and displays excitation waveform of all sources


Help section


Help section contains the following command:

button_help_run - opens help for Run commands (present chapter)