4.8.1 Plane Envelope
Plane Envelope calculations are performed in each cell of the currently displayed layer. The additional fields’ planes, called Cross Sections, are also available for Plane Envelope calculations.
The following plane envelope types are available:
Env Max - detects time-maximum of absolute value of the monitored component in each cell of the currently displayed layer. The 2D/3D Fields Distribution window should be in the dynamic refresh mode (can be switched on using button in Display tab or Switch->Dynamic Draw command from main menu or context menu) to enable this type of envelope construction. This mode of display is signalled by /Env Max in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window title bar. This option is not supported for Poynting vector (components: S, Sx, Sy, Sz); use volume Vol Max envelope instead.
Envelope Env Max calculations can be started using buton in Envelope tab or Envelope->Env Max command from main menu or context menu.
Env Avr - detects time-average of absolute value of the monitored component in each cell of the currently displayed layer. This is especially useful in application to dissipated power, for detecting effective heating patterns. The 2D/3D Fields Distribution window should be in the dynamic refresh mode (can be switched on using button in Display tab or Switch->Dynamic Draw command from main menu or context menu) to enable this type of envelope construction. This mode of display is signalled by /Env Avr in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window title bar. This option is not supported for Poynting vector (components: S, Sx, Sy, Sz); use volume Vol Avr envelope instead.
Envelope Env Avr calculations can be started using buton in Envelope tab or Envelope->Env Avr command from main menu or context menu.
Env DC - detects time-average of value of the monitored component in each cell of the currently displayed layer. The 2D/3D Fields Distribution window should be in the dynamic refresh mode (can be switched on using button in Display tab or Switch->Dynamic Draw command from main menu or context menu) to enable this type of envelope construction. This mode of display is signalled by /Env DC in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window title bar.
Envelope Env DC calculations can be started using buton in Envelope tab or Envelope->Env DC command from main menu or context menu.
Env Heat - constructs average heating pattern of power dissipated. This mode of display is signalled by /Env Heat in the 2D/3D Fields Distribution window title bar. It is usually used in QW-BHM module and described in QW‑BHM manual.
Envelope Env Heat calculations can be started using buton in Envelope tab or Envelope->Env Heat command from main menu or context menu.