12.9 UDO commands for QW-BHM regime

·       ALLOWBHM – Enables BHM module.

·       BHMALLOW (<Allow>) – Enables or disables BHM module: <Allow>: 0 – off, 1 – on

·       ALLOWHF – Enables Heat Flow (heat transfer analysis in BHM module).

·       MV_CLEAR - Clears all previously defined movements and their parameters.

·       MV_ROTA(<oname>, <Ox>, <Oy>, <rpm>) - creates BHM Rotation Axis with speed rpm (in rotations per minute) around the axis parallel to Oz and passing through point (x0, y0) and assigns object oname.

·       BHMMVROTA (<oname>, <Ox>, <Oy>, <rpm>) - creates BHM Rotation Axis with speed rpm (in rotations per minute) around the axis parallel to Oz and passing through point (x0, y0) and assigns object oname. Equivalent to MV_ROTA.

·       MV_TRAN(<oname>) - creates BHM Movement Trajectory with consecutive positions loaded from <oname>.md3 file in the project directory.

·       BHMMVTRAN (<oname>) - creates BHM Movement Trajectory with consecutive positions loaded from <oname>.md3 file in the project directory. Equivalent to MV_TRAN.

·       BHMOPT (<Allow heat flow>, <Allow rotation>, <Movement>) - Sets BHM mode options (equivalently to Heating details dialogue). Parameters: 1 – check option (on), 0 – uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).

·       BHMPORTS (<Allow>) - Sets automatic source parameters changing mode for BHM.  Parameter: 1 – check option (on), 0 – uncheck option (off), else ignore parameter (option not changed).

·       HTIMES (<First EM steady state>, <Consecutive EM steady states>, <Heating pattern construction>, <Total heating time>, <Heating time step>) - Sets BHM Tasker times (equivalently to Heating details dialogue).

·       BHMHTIMES (<First EM steady state>, <Consecutive EM steady states>, <Heating pattern construction>, <Total heating time>, <Heating time step>) - Sets BHM Tasker times (equivalently to Heating details dialogue) – equivalent command to HTIMES.

·       BHMHTIMES2 (<Use>, <heating_steps_string>) - Defines variable heating steps and switches on or off their usage in simulation: <Use>: 0 – off, 1 – on, <heating_steps_string> - consecutive heating time steps separated with space i.e. "15 3 2 33 1.1".

·       BHMROT (<Object name>, <X0>, <Y0>, <Speed>, <Angular step index>) - Sets Single Object Rotation parameters (equivalently to Heating details dialogue). Angular step index has to be integer divisor of 360 ([2..360]).

·       BHMTUN (<manual_tuning>) - Switches on or off manual mode of tuning: 0 – off, 1 – on

·       BHMAFTER (<what>, <after each>, <after step>) – Sets Suspend or Freeze for BHM steps:


0 – Suspend

1 – Freeze

<after each>: 0 - off, 1 - on

<after step>: 0 - off, >0 - on and step number

·       BHMCOMP (<what>, <OnOff>, <Use>) – Sets the additional components and quantities that will be saved in QW-Simulator after each BHM step:


“ALL” – all available components















"Specific heat"


<OnOff>: 0 - remove from list, 1 - add to list

<Use>: 0 - don’t use the list, 1 - use the list

·       BHMCOMPFORMAT (<Data Format>, <Include Shape Data>, <Include FDTD Mesh>) – Sets the data format for saving additional components and quantities:

<Data Format>:

0- QuickWave Default

1 - X,Y,Z Coordinates

2 - Dense Regions Only


<Include Shape Data>: 0 - off, 1- on

<Include FDTD Mesh>: 0 - off, 1- on


For more details see Basic Heating Module: Object movements chapter.


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