10.1 Heating Details

The Heating Details dialogue with options for Basic Heating Module process can be invoked:


The Allow frame contains the following options:


Suspend simulation after options allow suspending the simulation after each or after clearly specified BHM step.

Freeze simulation after options allow freezing the simulation to the *.sfr file after each or after clearly specified BHM step.


Tasker times parameters are used to set physical time steps and FDTD iterations in tasker files automatically generated by QW-Editor and are specified as numbers of periods of the excitation signal:


Heating time parameters are used to set the heating times for BHM process:

The general rule is that number of BHM steps is the integer part of the Total/Step ratio. For the residue the following rules are applied:

1.     if the residue is equal to or larger than the half of Step – additional BHM step is added with heating time set to the residue:

For Total=13 and Step=5 we obtain 3 BHM steps with the following heating times:

Step 1: heating time=5 seconds

Step 2: heating time=5 seconds

Step 3: heating time=3 seconds

2.     if the residue is less than the half of Step – the rest will be added to the heating time of the last BHM step:

For Total=12 and Step=5 we obtain 2 BHM steps with the following heating times:

Step 1: heating time=5 seconds

Step 2: heating time=7 seconds


See also BHM Settings Conversion From Previous Versions chapter.