1.1.1   Home

QW-Simulator Home tab is arranged in sections enabling basic file operations like loading projects, defining Breakpoints and adjusting the project content view to user’s preferences, setting access to external applications, managing windows, staying up to date with QuickWave updates, accessing main help, support, QWED’s website, QuickWave End User Licence Agreement, exiting the QW-Simulator, and accessing help for Home commands.




Project section

home_project0      home_project2      home_project

Project section contains the following commands:

button_open - opens QW-Simulator tasker, parameters, shape or freeze file

button_recent - shows the list of projects that have been recently loaded. See Preferences chapter for more information about setting the number of recent files.

button_home_open_tasker - opens tasker file (*.ta3)

button_home_open_freeze - opens freeze file (*.sfr)

button_home_open_shape - opens shape file (*.sh3)

button_home_project_description - opens and edits project description file

button_home_edit_ta3 - edits current tasker file

button_home_import_recent - opens Import Recent Files dialogue for importing recent files list from other version of QuickWave

button_home_clear_recent - clears the list of projects that have been recently loaded                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

button_home_clear_env - clears the list and settings of windows that have been opened


Configure section


Configure section contains the following commands:

button_breakpoints - opens Breakpoints dialogue for breakpoints configuration

button_preferences - opens Preferences dialogue for adjusting the QW-Simulator settings

 - opens Colour Palettes Configuration dialogue for defining and managing colour palettes that will be used in 2D/3D Fields Distibution, Fields Monitor and 3D Radiation Pattern windows

section_home_preferences_import - opens Import Preferences dialogue for importing QW-Simulator preferences from other version of QuickWave


Info section


Info section contains the following commands:

button_var- opens QuickWave Variables dialogue with information about QW-Simulator variables

button_units - opens Units dialogue for specifying the geometry units in which the project will be created and also the frequency units


Tools section


Tools section contains the following commands:

button_qweditor - runs selected QW-Editor (see Set Tools chapter for more information)

button_settools - opens Set Tools dialogue for modifying access to external applications and creating user tools


View section


View section contains the following commands:

button_tree - shows/hides Project Tree dock window with tree view of the project content

button_log - shows/hides Simulator Log window with information about current simulation

button_info - shows/hides Simulation Info window with information about current simulation

button_toolbars - hides the QW-Simulator Ribbon and shows all QW-Simulator Toolbars


Windows section

home_windows      home_windows2

Windows section contains the following commands:

button_cascade - arranges opened windows in the cascade manner

button_tile - arranges opened windows in the tile manner

button_closeall - closes all opened windows (excluding Simulator Log)

button_closeallrestore - closes all opened windows (excluding Simulator Log) and marks it for future restore

button_restore - restores last opened windows

button_windowslist - shows the list of currently opened windows and allows switching to it


Updates section


Updates section contains the following commands:

button_updatescheck - checks if the updates for QuickWave are available

button_updatesconfigure - opens Updates Options dialogue for configuring the automatic updates for QuickWave


Help section


Help section contains the following commands:

button_help - opens the main help for QW-Simulator

button_support - composes an email to QWED’s support

button_www - opens the web browser with QWED's home page

button_eula - opens the window with QuickWave End User Licence Agreement

button_about - opens About dialogue with general information about QW-Simulator


Exit section


Exit section contains the following command:

button_exit - exits the QW-Simulator


Help section


Help section contains the following command:

button_help2 - opens help for Home commands (present chapter)