6      3D Radiation Pattern results

The 3D Radiation Pattern window allows watching 3D radiation pattern results in a spherical coordinate system with one Reference Axis (X, Y or Z), two angles: elevation (Theta) and azimuthal (Phi) and for chosen NTF Frequency. The 3D radiation pattern may be constructed to show magnitudes of only Etheta or only Ephi or a vectorial sum of both, or only Eleft or only Eright or a vectorial sum of both.

The 3D radiation pattern results parameters can be set in the 3D Radiation Patterns dialogue and display options can be set in the Antenna 3D Parameters Panel.



The Patch Antenna Array module in the 3D Radiation Pattern window can be also used for watching 3D radiation pattern results for patch antenna arrays. For patch antenna array projects prepared with Patch Antenna Array module in QW-Modeller for QuickWave, the excitation parameters (amplitude and delay) for patch antenna array can be observed as well as the direction of main radiation beam which can be steered by defining φ and θ angles.


The 3D Radiation Pattern window is also used for viewing 3D radiation pattern loaded from file.


3D Radiation Pattern window can be invoked from Results tab of QW-Simulator Ribbon using commands from 3D Radiation Pattern section.



The results_ad3d button opens 3D Radiation Patterns dialogue for setting 3D radiation pattern parameters and then opens 3D Radiation Pattern window with 3D radiation pattern results.

The results_viewsaved3d button opens 3D Radiation Pattern window with 3D radiation pattern results loaded from *.an3 file.


3D Radiation Pattern window can be also invoked using 3D Radiation Pattern or Saved 3D Radiation Pattern commands from Results menu of QW-Simulator main menu.