2.18.6                Postprocessings List

The dialogue for choosing post-processing from the list will appear when there is more than one post-processing of particular type. The list contains all available post-processings of a given type.

Each post-processing available on the list can be selected and multiple selections are available with Ctrl key. Sel. All button allows selecting all post-processings from the list. The separate Results window will be opened for each post-processing chosen from the list will (except for using Combine Contours option described below).


Postprocessing List dialogue may appear for the following post-processings:

·         Gamma at Reference planes

·         FD-Probing

·         FD-Probing with Contours

·         Power Available

·         Antenna Fixed Angle                 Gamma at Reference planes results

The S-Parameters Postprocessings dialogue for choosing post-processing from the list will appear when there is more than one Gamma at Reference planes post-processing.


The Name column shows names of the available Gamma at Reference planes post-processings, being name of “GAMMA_at_” appended with reference plane name. The frequency range for post-processing calculation is shown in From, To and Step columns.


See also Gamma at Reference planes results chapter for more information.                 FD-Probing results

The FD-Probing Postprocessings dialogue for choosing post-processing from the list will appear when there is more than one FD-Probing post-processing.


The Name column shows names of the available FD-Probing post-processings, being names of lumped sources and lumped probes. The frequency range for post-processing calculation is shown in From, To and Step columns.


See also FD-Probing chapter for more information.                 FD-Probing results with Contours

If the Contours are present in the project and FD-Probing post-processing is on, the post-processings list will contain all lumped sources, lumped probes and contours. The Contour column applies to contours only and shows whether they are electric E or magnetic H ones.

dialog_fdprobing_withcontours      dialog_fdprobing_with2contours

Results from two selected contours may be merged to the same Results window by Combine Contours check, if these sets are two contours, one E and one H. In such a case, amplitudes and phases of voltages and currents will be available in the same window, and additionally the amplitude and phase of impedance will be automatically calculated.


See also FD-Probing for Contours chapter for more information.                 Power Available results

The Power Available Postprocessings dialogue for choosing post-processing from the list will appear when there is more than one Power Available post-processing.


The Name column shows names of the available Power Available post-processings, being names of sources appended with _sqrtPav. The frequency range for post-processing calculation is shown in From, To and Step columns.


See also Power Available chapter for more information.                 Antenna Fixed Angle results

The Antenna Fixed Angle Postprocessings dialogue for choosing post-processing from the list will appear when there is more than one NTF Fixed Angle post-processing.



Each post-processing available in the Antenna Fixed Angle Postprocessings stands for a different direction (one pair of phi and theta angles). Values of the two angles are shown in the Phi and Theta columns. The frequency range for post-processing calculation is shown in From, To and Step columns.


See also NTF Fixed Angle chapter for more information.