2.5    FD-Probing

If the current post-processing is FD-Probing post-processing, the results_results2 button in Results tab of QW-Simulator opens Results window with FD-Probing results of this current post-processing. The current post-processing can be changed with button_nextppos button in Run tab of QW-Simulator and Run->Next Postprocessing command from QW-Simulator main menu. The name of the current post-processing is displayed in the status bar of the Results window.


The button_fd button in Results tab of QW-Simulator Ribbon and Results->FD-Probing Results command from QW-Simulator main menu invoke Results window with FD-Probing results.

If there is more than one FD-Probing post-processing, the button_fd button will change to button_fd2 and the list of FD-Probing post-processings will be displayed after pressing the button:




Pressing any of available commands, except for the Show all command, opens Results window with FD-Probing results for the chosen post-processing.

Pressing the Show all command opens FD-Probing Postprocessings dialogue for choosing FD-Probing results to be shown.




FD-Probing results contain eighteen curves: Fourier transform of current I through the lumped port and voltage U across the lumped port (amplitudes and phases), absolute value of embedding impedance (Z=U/I), phase of embedding impedance, absolute value of embedding admittance (Y=I/U), phase of embedding admittance, absolute value of reflection coefficient (calculated with respect to the lumped port resistance if its value is finite, and with respect to 50Ω if the resistance is zero or +INF), phase of reflection coefficient, real part of impedance, imaginary part of impedance, real part of admittance, imaginary part of admittance, inductance defined as L=Im(Z)/(2πf), capacitance defined as C=Im(Y)/(2πf), E-field at point Ep, H-field at point Hp.

For detailed discussion concerning FD-Probing post-processing refer to FD-Probing.


The Import->Load Postprocessing Results… command from main menu or context menu allows loading results from other FD-Probing post-processing (excluding contours). It will open FD-Probing Postprocessings dialogue for choosing other FD-Probing post-processings.


The Values pane contains information about visible curves such as name, domain, and value under active cursor and other parameters in separated columns, which can be chosen in Select Column dialogue.