2.3     Values Pane

The Values pane contains information about visible curves such as name, domain, and value under active cursor and other parameters in separated columns.



For 2D Radiation Pattern results, additional antenna parameters can be displayed in Antenna Parameters column.



For all visible columns and for XY chart we obtain the following information in Values pane:



Each curve on the list can be selected and also multiple selections are available with Ctrl key.

Please note that all information in Values pane are displayed for value under the active cursor for the particular curve (see also Markers chapter).


The context menu of Values pane contains the following commands:

values_pane_contextmenu_hide - hides selected curves

values_pane_contextmenu_showsel - shows only selected curves

values_pane_contextmenu_selectall - selects all curves from the list

values_pane_contextmenu_showall - shows all curves

 - multiplies or divides domain values by 1E3, and multiplies domain values by 1E9 what could be useful for rescaling frequencies from Hz to GHz or divides domain values by 1E9 what could be useful for rescaling frequencies from GHz to Hz

 - multiplies values by 1E3 what could be useful for rescaling i.e. from nF to µF or divides values by 1E3 what could be useful for rescaling from i.e. µF to nF. This command is applicaple only for C curve in FD-Probing results.

values_pane_contextmenu_editline - opens Edit Line dialogue for modifying the line and cursor visual parameters of the selected curve. It can also be accessed by double click on the selected curve.

values_pane_contextmenu_rename - opens Rename Curve dialogue for changing the name of the selected curve. If more than one curve is selected – it will rename the first selected curve.

values_pane_contextmenu_bkgcol - opens Select Colour dialogue for choosing the background colour

values_pane_contextmenu_setfont - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for the text

values_pane_contextmenu_showcolname - shows or hides columns names

values_pane_contextmenu_selectcolumn- opens the Select Columns dialogue allowing the user to choose the information to be displayed

values_pane_contextmenu_adjustcol - adjusts the width of the columns to the appropriate size

values_pane_contextmenu_expandall - expands all items

values_pane_contextmenu_collapseall - collapses all items

values_pane_contextmenu_values - hides the Values pane