EUREKA-Eurostars 5G_Foil
iNEMI "Copper Foils"
Malgorzata Celuch co-founded QWED she was a doctoral student, and since the launch of QWED’s commercial activities (in 1997) she served as Vice-President (Executive) unitl 2017, when she became President.
Her research background is in Computational Electromagnetics, marked with M.Sc. (1988, honours) and Ph.D. (1996, honours) from the Warsaw University of Technology, where she was holding academic positions until 2017, and where she currently co-supervises doctoral students.
She is author of 170+ scientific peer-reviewed papers and 6 monograph chapters (h-index 17, 1100+ citations), and recipient of 10+ awards for excellence.
Her research results are implemented in the products and services provided commercially by QWED.
She leads R&D projects, industrial and co-funded under the European Horizon Frameworks, exploring the synergies between computational modeling and materials’ characterisation, with specific interest for 5G/mmWave frequencies and energy materials.
She contributes to professional organisations, mainly IEEE and EMMC (as detailed below), but also iNEMI, EMCC, AMI2030, EuMA, AcerS.
She continues to support the United World Colleges movement, in apreciation of her college years at UWC Atlantic.
IEEE MTT-S Administrative Committee member (2024-2026),
Vice-Chair of MTT-S Technical Committee “Field Theory and Computational EM”,
member of Publications Committee,
Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques,
co-founder and co-chair of IEEE IMS S.C. "Microwave Field-Matter Interaction: from Material Sensing to High-Power Applications",
IEEE Women in Engineering - invited speaker, event organiser, and rapporteur.
member of Board of Directors,
Co-Chair of Focus Area Model Development,
member of Scientific Committee of EMMC Intl. Workshops 2021, 2023.
N. Adamovic, B.Boskovic, M.Celuch, C.Charitidis, J.Friis, G.Goldbeck, A.Hashibon, E.Hurtos, S.Sebastiani, A.Simperler, "Report on Advanced materials modelling and characterisation: strategies for integration and interoperability", Report from the satellite meeting organised by the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC ASBL) and the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) at EuroNanoForum 2021
CEN-CENELEC-OYSTER Workshop "Materials characterisation - Terminology, classification and metadata"
MIKON- Microwave & radar Week, Warsaw, PL, Sep.2020: Women in Microwaves
MIKON- Microwave & Radar Week, Gdansk, PL, Sep. 2022: Women in Science and Engineering
IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week UkrMW, online, Nov. 2022,’: Women in Engineering
M. Celuch, "Women in Microwaves at MIKON: (Not) for the First Time [Women in Microwaves]", in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 78-82, July 2021, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2021.3070815.
M. Celuch, "Women in Science and Engineering Matinee: WiSE at Microwave and Radar Week 2022 [Women in Microwaves]", in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 86-90, July 2023, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2023.3265521.
M. Celuch, "Bridging the gaps between microwave modelling and materials measurements and between women and engineering", IEEE CCM at the European Microwave Week, Milan, IT, Sep. 2022,
M.Celuch, "Modelling Based Characterisation of Materials from Micro to Millimetre Waves", IEEE Radio & Wireless Week, Women in Microwaves Event, Las Vegas, NV, 22 Jan 2023.
M.Celuch, "Women in Science and Engineering in Krakow: From Legends and Saints to Pioneers in Emancipation", EMC Europe 2023, Krakow, PL, Sep. 2023.
total |
170+ |
chapters in monographs |
6 |
h-index |
17 |
citations |
1100 |