Ion Implantation for Innovative Interface modifications in BAttery and Graphene-enabled Systems
Call: M-ERA.NET Call 2021
International Consortium:
Consortium Leader: Lukasiewicz-Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki (L-IMiF) (PL)
Poland: QWED Sp. z o.o.
Belgium (Wallonia): Materia Nova R&D Center, IONICS SA
Duration: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025
The I4BAGS project aims to develop innovative processing and characterisation solutions for microelectronics and battery applications. Driven by topical challenges in communication and energy management, and supported by large industrial demand for innovation, most performing devices have a complex thin-film stacking architecture, the manufacturing processes of which require fine monitoring of materials and their interface properties and to keep track of their properties, often at the nanoscale.
I4BAGS Events:
August 11-14, 2024, Montreal, Canada
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization

July 1-4, 2024, Wroclaw, Poland
The 11th Microwave & Radar Week MIKON

June 16-21, 2024, Washington, USA
IEEE International Microwave Symposium

June 3-5, 2024, Namur, Belgium
INDTech Conference on Industrial Technologies

June 4, 2024, Warsaw, Poland
Space Sector Forum

May 16, 2024, Online via EMMC
I4Bags Public Workshop

April 9-11, 2024, Anaheim, USA

January 19-22, 2024
IEEE MTT-S Radio & Wireless Week (with Committee Meetings)

October 25-27, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan
18th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference

September 25-28, 2023, Mainz, Germany

12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and Their Applications MMA2023

September 25-28, 2023, Noordwijk, Netherlands
41st ESA Antenna Workshop

September 11-14, 2023, Cardiff, UK
19th International Conference on Microwave and High-Frequency Applications: AMPERE 2023

September 4-8, 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden
Graphene Week 2023

September 4-8, 2023, Krakow, Poland
International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Europe

June 28 - 30, 2023, Winnipeg, Canada
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO'2023)

June 27-29, 2023,  Denver, Colorado, USA
57th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 57)

June 20, 2023,  Online
2nd Project Steering Committee Meeting (materials available on the project cloud)

June 11-16, 2023,  San Diego, California, USA
International Microwave Symposium 2023

May 8-12, 2023,  Noordwijk, Netherlands
1st Space Microwave Week

April 26-28, 2023,  Vienna, Austria
4th EMMC International Workshop 2023

April 13, 2023, Taiwan
EU-Taiwan Investment Partnership Forum on EV Clusters

April 4, 2023, Online
1st Project Steering Committee Meeting (materials available on the project cloud)

March 26-31, 2023,  Florence, Italy
17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: Presentation & Paper.

January 22-25, 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada, US

IEEE Radio & Wireless Week: Invited Talk, Women in Microwaves

January 18-20, 2023, Orlando, FL, US
Electronic Materials & Applications Conference of The American Ceramic Society.

January 10, 2023, Online
I4Bags technical kick-off meeting

November 14-18, 2022, Online
2nd IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week UkrMW

October 7, 2022, Online
I4BAGS kick-off meeting

September 26-29, 2022, Milan, Italy
52nd European Microwave Week

September 12-15, 2022
24th International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON

June 22-25, 2022, Denver, CO, US
IEEE International Microwave Symposium: Seminars and Workshop on Material Measurements, Women in Engineering, Partner Exhibits11
I4BAGS Open Platform Tools and Examples:
Open Platform Advanced Tools:
I4BAGS-Modeller - licence-free CAD modeller developed within the I4BAGS project. Download I4BAGS-Modeller.

QuickWave - software for electromagnetic design and simulations based on conformal FDTD method. Download QuickWave STUDENT Release (with BOR Thermal Module of I4BAGS) or use DEMO/Trial license.
I4BAGS Description:
The increasing worldwide demand for more performing communication means and more efficient energy management has promoted technological breakthrough and transversal scientific endeavours fostering research and innovation towards ever more subtle material scaffold in devices and components. This has been claiming new and often more restricting processing specifications towards smoother operating conditions to be tailored and prevent any damage in the different materials and at their respective interfaces. This project aims to demonstrate the versatility of low-energy ion implantation (LEII) protocols as a processing tool to locally modify electronic, electrochemical and electrical properties in different materials and structures and exemplified in two different technologies, planar and vertical graphene on silicon carbide devices and thin film post-Li solid state batteries. The project is therefore to be organised in two materials platforms, depending on the foreseen applications: materials for thin film solid state batteries (TFSSB) and materials for graphene-on-SiC-enabled systems (GRSiC).
Objectives: Planned processing encompasses low-energy ion implantation tailored for targeted application. Broad frequency range characterisation methods from DC to millimetre waves supported by suitable modelling and software contribute to describe electrical properties of materials, structures, interfaces and devices. Generated data are to be collected within open innovation environment and disseminated throughout European Materials Communities.

Potential applications: Expected implementation includes electric transportation, smart metering, power applications and electricity storage solutions. Impact and potential benefits: The project is supported by private stakeholders to promote transfer of innovation to European industries.

Impact and potential benefits: The project is supported by private stakeholders to promote transfer of innovation to European industries.
Fabrication, processing, characterisation and modelling of thin films for solid-state batteries
* 25% increase of gravimetric capacity of TFSSB with ion implantation of graphitic cathode
* 100% increase of battery performance stability upon cycling with ion implantation of interfacial functionalised anode
Materials, characterisation and processing for GRSiC enabled systems
* Demonstration of an optimised planar Hall effect structure based on epitaxial graphene on pre-epitaxially-modified semiinsulating bulk SiC with an increased range of thermally-stable current-mode sensitivity in reference to an unmodified one
* Demonstration of an optimised vertical PIN-like structure based on epitaxial graphene on pre-epitaxially-modified n-type homoepitaxial SiC
Development of advanced microwave and mm-Wave methodologies for the characterisation and modelling of I4BAGS materials and interfaces
* Application and multiphysics modeling of dielectric resonators to monitor thermally-induced resistivity changes in ion-implanted semiinsulating SiC.
* Microwave to mm-wave electrical characterisation and modelling of ion implanted electrodes
Validation of new characterisation and modelling technologies in relevant environments and development of demonstrators for the dissemination and outreach purposes
* Production of software and hardware demonstrators
I4BAGS Articles, Presentations, Posters & Outreach:
Presentation: I4Bags technical kick-off meeting, January 10, 2023, Online.
Presentation: "Microwave characterisation and modelling of materials in European initiative", M. Celuch, 2nd IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week UkrMW, November 14-18, 2022, Online.
Presentation: "Bridging the gaps between microwave modelling and materials measurements and between women and engineering", Malgorzata Celuch, 52nd European Microwave Week: Microwave and Radar Week EuMW, September 26-29, 2022, Milan, Italy.
Information leaflet on the exhibition - The launch of the I4BAGS project, September 26-29, 2022, Milan, Italy European Microwave Week: Microwave and Radar Week.
Workshops: "Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Characterization of Dielectric Sheets" and "Short Course on EM modeling", September 12-14, 2022, 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON.
M. Olszewska-Placha, E. Mozdzynska, J. Rudnicki, M. Celuch, "2D Imaging Technique for Quantitative and Qualitative Characterisation of High-Resistivity GaN Semiconductor Wafers for Light and Power Electronics", 24th International Microwave and Radar Conference, 12-14 Septemeber 2022, Gdansk, Poland. - presentation.
R. Henderson, "Let Them Eat Cake! [President's Column]", in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 10-14, Dec. 2022, doi:10.1109/MMM.2022.3204006 - Article.
Presentation: "Modelling Based Characterisation of Materials from Micro to Millimetre Waves", Malgorzata Celuch, IEEE Radio & Wireless Week, Women in Microwaves Event Las Vegas, Nevada, January 22, 2023.
Presentation: "Evaluation and extensions of resonator techniques for the characterization of ceramics and energy materials relevant to 6G applications", Marzena Olszewska–Placha, Malgorzata Celuch, Lukasz Nowicki, Janusz Rudnicki, Electronic Materials and Applications 2023, S21: Materials, Devices, and Applications in 6G Telecommunications, 19 January 2023
"Benchmarking Conformal BoR FDTD Algorithm for Efficient mm-Wave Design of Multiflare Antennas", Lukasz Nowicki, Lucas Polo-Lopez, Juan Corcoles, Jorge A Ruiz-Cruz, Malgorzata Celuch, 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 30 March 2023: Poster and Paper.
"Advances in computational modeling and materials characterization for microwave power industry and bridging the gap to classical MTT-S disciplines", M. Celuch, M. Olszewska–Placha, IMS 2023 Workshop, 11-16 June - accepted.
Presentation: "Ion Implantation for Innovative Interface modifications in BAttery and Graphene enabled Systems", Olivier Douhéret, Materia Nova, EU-Taiwan Investment Partnership Forum on EV Clusters, 13 April 2023.
Poster: "Twinned Modelling - Characterisation (MODA-CHADA) Solutions for Electronic and Energy Materials: from H2020 MMAMA and NanoBat to M-ERA.NET ULTCC6G_Epac and I4BAGS Projects", M. Celuch, M. Olszewska-Placha, J. Rudnicki and L. Nowicki, 4th EMMC International Workshop 2023, 26-28  April 2023.
Presentation: "From Computational Electromagnetics to Modelling Based Characterisation of Materials for Electronic and Energy Technologies", M. Celuch, 4th EMMC International Workshop 2023, 26-28  April 2023.
Presentation: "Benchmarking of Current Industrial Best Practices and Emerging Techniques for the Consistent Electric and Dielectric Characterisation of Materials from Microwave to Millimetre Wave Ranges", Malgorzata Celuch , Marzena Olszewska Placha, Lukasz Nowicki, Janusz Rudnicki, 1st Space Microwave Week 2023, 8-12  May 2023: Presentation and Paper.
Presentation: "Advances in Computational Modeling and Materials Characterization for the Microwave Power Industry",  M. Celuch, M. Olszewska–Placha, WMG-4 Workshops on International Microwave Symposium 2023, 12 June 2023
Presentation: "A New Non-Destructive Microwave Technique for Quantitative Testing of Large-Scale Panels of Graphene-Based Polymer Composites for EMI Applications",  M. Celuch, M. Zdrojek, K. Filak, M. Olszewska–Placha, J. Rudnicki, L. Nowicki, TUMA23 MicroApps on International Microwave Symposium 2023, 13 June 2023
"A Fast Modelling-Based Technique for the Characterization of Graphene-Based Polymer Composites",  L. Nowicki, Karolina Filak, Malgorzata Celuch, Mariusz Zdrojek, Marzena Olszewska–Placha, Janusz Rudnicki, IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO'2023), 29 June 2023: Presentation and Paper
M. Celuch, "Women in Science and Engineering Matinee: WiSE at Microwave and Radar Week 2022 [Women in Microwaves]",  in IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 86-90, July 2023, doi: 10.1109/MMM.2023.3265521
Poster: "Layer-Resolved Raman Imaging and Analysis of Parasitic Ad-Layers in Transferred Graphene", Jagiełło J., Dobrowolski A., Ciuk T., Graphene Week (GRAPH23), 4-8 September 2023.
Poster: "Investigation on Graphene on SiC under Neutron Irradiation by Raman Spectroscopy", Dobrowolski A., Jagiełło J., Ciuk T., Graphene Week (GRAPH23), 4-8 September 2023.
"Fast and Rigorous BoR FDTD Algorithm for the Modelling of Coupled EM-Thermal Processes in Axisymmetrical Devices", L. Nowicki, M. Celuch, M. Olszewska–Placha, J. Rudnicki 19th International Conference on Microwave and High-Frequency Applications: AMPERE 2023, 14 September 2023: Presentation and Paper
M.Celuch and M.Olszewska-Placha, "Recent Developments and Cross-Calibration of Resonator-Based Techniques for Microwave and mmWave Materials Assessment", 12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and their Applications, Mainz, Germany, 25-28 September 2023; conference leaflet.
Presentation: "Characterisation of Compounding Methods for Graphene-Based Thermoplastic Composites using 2D Microwave Imaging Technique", L. Nowicki, K. Filak, M. Celuch, M. Zdrojek, 12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and their Applications, 25 September 2023.
Presentation: "Microwave characterisation of implanted carbon thin films for semiconductor battery applications", L. Nowicki, F. Monteverde, C. Nouvellon, M. Celuch, O. Douheret, W. Wojtasiak, 12th International Conference on Microwave Materials and their Applications, 25 September 2023, (full paper under review).
"Extension of Reference Materials for Standardization in the Production of Large Deployable Antennas", L. Nowicki, M. Celuch, M. Olszewska–Placha, J. Rudnicki, 41st ESA Antenna Workshop, 26 September 2023: Presentation and Paper.
New September flyer for the I4Bags available to download here.
M.Celuch, "Modelling-based characterisation of copper foils for mmWave applications", IMPACT 2023: Intl. Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conf., Taipei, Taiwan, 25-27 October 2023.
Malgorzata Celuch, Marzena Olszewska–Placha, Lukasz Nowicki, Pawel Kopyt, Jerzy Cuper, "Evaluation of Surface Roughness of Copper Foils for 5G Applications Using Novel mmWave Resonators", Apex Expo IPC, Anaheim, USA,  April 9, 2024.

I4Bags Public Workshop: "I4BAGS Open Platform and Request to EMMC for Modelling Inputs", Lukasz Nowicki
L. Nowicki, F. Monteverde, C. Nouvellon, M. Celuch, O. Douheret, W. Wojtasiak, "Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Carbon Coating on a Quartz Wafer Treated with Nitrogen Ion Implantation", Materials Research Bulletin, Article published, Volume 179, November 2024, 112940
M-ERA.NET is a strong European network of public funding organisations supporting and increasing coordination and convergence of national and regional funding programmes on research and innovation related to materials and battery technologies to support the European Green Deal.
I4BAGS projects are co-funded by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development under M-ERA.NET3/2021/83/I4BAGS/2022.
I4BAGS projects are co-funded by the Service public de Wallonie (SPW) under M-ERA.NET3
M-ERA.NET 3 have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 958174.