The present example considers a three section waveguide (WR28) band pass filter.
Waveguide band pass filter (top, side, and perspective view).
The structure is a three section waveguide band pass filter with a passband centered around 35 GHz. The filter is made of 7.1 mm x 3.54 mm rectangular waveguide and its length is 40 mm. There are three cavities present in the filter.
Three section waveguide (WR28) band pass filter project in QW-Modeller.
This kind of structure is excellent for simulation with QuickWave internal QProny module, dedicated for fast simulations of high-Q structures. Since there are three cavities one may expect that the structure can be described with a QProny model of the order P=6. However, two cavities in the filter are identical - this implies that beating may take place. For the purpose of calculating reflection and transmission characteristics of the filter, the S-Parameters postprocessing is set from 33 GHz to 38 GHz with the frequency step of 0.01 GHz and QProny module is activated. The electromagnetic simulation with QProny module is then run.
S-Parameters postprocessing configuration dialogue with QProny module activated.
QProny module control window with Calculation Status information ( information about the model created after 4499 iterations).
The |S11| characteristic obtained from Fourier postprocessing (red) after 4500 iterations and QProny module result (blue) after 4499 iterations.
The |S11| characteristic obtained from Fourier postprocessing (red) after 12000 iterations and QProny module result (blue) after 4499 iterations.
Distribution of time-maximum envelope of Ez field component at 35.11 GHz.
Time dependent distribution of Ez field component at 35.11 GHz.
Distribution of time-maximum envelope of Ez field component at 34 GHz.
Time dependent distribution of Ez field component at 34 GHz.