MIKON 2024
11th Microwave and Radar Week (MRW 2024)
Wroclaw, Poland
July 1-4, 2024

Conference website: https://mrw2024.org/
We are excited to invite you to the 11th International Microwave and Radar Week (MRW), a prestigious biennial event hosted by the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in Wroclaw, Poland from July 1st to July 4th, 2024. MRW serves as a premier platform for professionals and researchers in the fields of microwave engineering and radar technologies.
The conference features a diverse program including presentations, posters, booth stands, and workshops, covering a wide range of topics in microwave technology and radar systems.
All conference activities will take place at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, located in the heart of Wroclaw, a city renowned for its scientific and cultural heritage.

QWED participated in the conference and also in exhibition. QWED booth was a focal point, where we presented our R&D activities, our new product, QSCR, the Fabry Perot Open Resonator and more including QuickWave software for EM design and simulations.
On the first day of the MIKON Conference, Microwave and Radar Week, a traditional session of Women in Microwaves was organised by Malgorzata Celuch (QWED) and Anna Grytsko (Wroclaw University of Technology). This was already the 3rd MIKON WiM meeting, after the previous editions at MIKON 2020 in Warsaw and 2022 in Gdansk.
During the Microwave and Radar week 2024 QWED organised two workshops:
1. CAD for Electromagnetic Modelling including Hands-on/Live demo with QuickWave software
2. Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Characterisation of Materials including Hands-On Session with Real-Life Fixtures for Material Characterisation
Conference Schedule Highlights
Monday, July 1
MIKON CAD Workshop 1: CAD for Electromagnetic Modelling - Part I
Time: 08:30 - 10:10
Title: Introduction to CAD tools for electromagnetic modeling.
WIPL-D d.o.o. (Wipl-D), Altair (FEKO)
Room: Building C-13, room 0.31
Chairs: Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland), Piotr Słobodzian (Wroclaw University of Technology)

MIKON CAD Workshop 2: CAD for Electromagnetic Modelling - Part I
Time: 10:40 - 12:20
Title: Advanced theory and applications of CAD in electromagnetic modeling.
Presenters: QWED sp. z o.o. (QuickWave), EM Invent sp. z o.o. (Inventsim), Dassault Systčmes (CST Studio Suite)
Room: Building C-13, room 0.31
Chair: Grzegorz Fotyga (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)

WIM: Women in Microwaves
Time: 16:10 - 17:50
Title: How and Why People Communicate: from the Origin of Speech to AI-Based Signal Recognition
Presenter: Małgorzata Danicka
Room: Building C-13, room 0.32
Chair: Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland)

Tuesday, July 2
MIKON A3: Applications of EM Modelling in Microwave Design
Time: 08:30 - 10:10
Title: Practical applications of electromagnetic modeling in microwave design.
Room: Building C-13, room 0.32
Chairs: Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland), Malgorzata Warecka (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)

MIKON CAD Workshop 3: CAD for Electromagnetic Modelling
Time: 08:30 - 10:10
Title: Part II – Examples
QWED sp. z o.o. (QuickWave), EM Invent sp. z o.o. (Invensim), Dassault Systemes (CST Studio Suite)
Room: Building C-13, room 0.31
Chairs: Rafal Lech (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)

MIKON Plenary 1: Plenary Session
Time: 10:40 - 12:20
High-data rate wireless links: key antenna innovations and novel paradigms - Ph.D. Mauro Ettorre (Michigan State University, USA)
Performance of Antenna-in-package (AiP) Designs at Millimeter Wave Frequencies - Ph.D. Rashaunda Henderson (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Upper Bounds on Antenna Gain and Its Reachability - Ph.D. M. Capek (Czech Technical University, Czechia)
Room: Building C-13, room 1.31
Chairs: Maurizio Bozzi (University of Pavia, Italy), Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland)

MIKON Poster1: Active & Passive Devices & Components & Microwave Materials
Time: 12:20 - 14:00
"An Open Platform Tool for 2D Multipactor Simulations in Metallic Microwave Components"
Authors: Tomasz Nalecz (QWED, Poland); Lukasz Nowicki (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland & QWED Sp. z O. O., Poland); Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland); Michal Baranowski (Gdansk University of Technology & Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics, Poland); Adam Lamecki (EM Invent Ltd, Poland); Michal Mrozowski (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Abstract: The paper presents a computer simulation software aimed at assessing the multipactor threshold power in a rectangular waveguide working with single tone excitation. Initial tests demonstrate a strong agreement between the simulation results obtained and those from commercial software. Contrary to the existing commercial software, our tool will be provided as Open Platform, for free use and popularisation of knowledge about physical phenomena resulting from interactions of microwaves with materials.

"Investigation of the Electromagnetic Properties of Silicon Carbide in the mmWave Frequency Range Using Density Functional Theory"
Authors: Lukasz Nowicki (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland & QWED Sp. z O. O., Poland); Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland); Wojciech Wojtasiak (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Abstract: This study uses density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the electromagnetic (EM) properties of silicon carbide (SiC), specifically focusing on cubic type 3C. Using the SIESTA program, the crystal structure of SiC is modeled. In the simulations, the influence of the electric field in two directions is considered, demonstrating the anisotropic behavior of the material. From the real and imaginary permittivity, the loss tangent in SiC up to 450 THz was calculated with the smallest value for 72.5 GHz. Conductivity is also obtained for this particular frequency.

"Microwave Characterization of 3D Printed Layers with a Fabry-Perot Open Resonator"
Authors: Bartłomiej Salski (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland); Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland); Henrik Ramberg (3D Fortify, USA)
Abstract: 3D-printed materials made of a liquid photocurable resin using a gyroid latticing technology are characterized in the frequency range spanning from 1.9 up to 110 GHz using split-post dielectric resonators and a Fabry-Perot open resonator. It is shown that such materials can be low-loss in a broad frequency range if appropriate settings of the lattice are employed. Presented measurements confirm theoretical predictions that such lattice structures exhibit an upper cut-off frequency due to a lateral mode occurring in the structure, which mainly depends on the unit cell size. Another novel experimental finding is that the investigated materials exhibit in-plane anisotropy, typical for inhomogeneous structures. The proposed measurement methods provides a unique insight into electromagnetic properties of such 3D-printed materials, thus, enabling their further optimisation for the use at even higher frequencies.

"Evaluation of Image Restoration Techniques for Dielectric Resonator Mapping of Materials"
Authors: Justyna I. Koper (QWED & Warsaw University of Technology, Poland); Malgorzata Celuch and Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED, Poland); Przemyslaw Korpas (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
Abstract: Complex permittivity maps obtained by Split Post Dielectric Resonator (SPDR) material measurement technique yield limited resolution due to the weighted averaging over the region interacting with DR field. The motivation of this work is to improve spatial resolution for examining inhomogeneous samples and smaller homogeneous samples that do not meet the resonator's minimum size requirements. To achieve this, attempts were made to reverse the averaging. The electric field pattern is known from finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation, and on this basis, an inverse problem is formulated. Due to the presence of additive noise in the measurements, matrix regularization techniques are investigated, such as Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) and Tikhonov regularization, alongside established image restoration methods for noise-prone deblurring, such as Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, Wiener filter and Plug-and-Play Alternating Direction method of multiplier (ADMM).

MIKON CAD Workshop 4: CAD for Electromagnetic Modelling
Time: 14:00 - 15:40
Title: Part II - Examples
WIPL-D d.o.o. (Wipl-D), Altair (FEKO), Sonnet Software, Inc. (Sonnet)
Discussion & Introduction to Part III
Room: Building C-13, room 0.31
Chairs: Rafal Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland), Piotr Słobodzian (Wroclaw University of Technology & Faculty of Electronics, Poland)

Wednesday, July 3
MIKON MM2: Microwaves and Conductive Materials
Time: 08:30 - 10:10
Title: Systematic study of correlation between surface roughness and microwave effective conductivity of copper foils for ultra-low-loss applications.
Room: Building C-13, room 1.30
Chairs: Malgorzata Celuch (QWED, Poland), Kamel Haddadi (University of Lille / IEMN CNRS8520, France)

MIKON MM1: Microwaves and Dielectric Materials
Time: 10:40 - 12:20
Title: Microwave and THz Characterization of Dielectric Properties of Bulk Glass-Ceramic Composites and ULTCC Substrates.
Room: Building C-13, room 1.30
Chairs: Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland), Jovana R Prekodravac, Dr. (Vinca Institute of the Nuclear Sciences-National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Serbia)

MIKON TUT5: Fundamentals of Microwave Modelling and Characterisation for Dielectric Property Determination
Time: 16:10 - 17:50
Transmission Line Techniques: Understanding the basics of transmission line theory and its application in microwave characterisation. Case Study: Open-Ended Coaxial Probe. - Prof. Kamel Haddadi, Univeristy of Lille, France
Free-Space Techniques: Introduction to free-space methods for non-contact dielectric property determination. Case Study: broadband measurement technique for characterisation of lossy dielectrics in sub-THz frequency range. - Dr. Malgorzata Celuch, QWED Sp. z o.o., Poland
Resonance Techniques: Fundamentals of resonant frequency analysis and quality factor determination, with applications to material measurements. Case Studies: cavities (including SCR)., dielectric resonators (SPDR, SiPDR, RuDR, BCDR). - Prof. Yevhen Yashchyshyn, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Scanning Microwave Microscopy: Overview of scanning microwave microscopy techniques. Case Study: high-resolution dielectric property mapping at the nanoscale. - Prof. Kamel Haddadi, Univeristy of Lille, FranceRoom: Building C-13, room 0.31
Chairs: Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland), Jovana R Prekodravac, Dr. (Vinca Institute of the Nuclear Sciences-National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Serbia)

MIKON CAD Workshop 9: CAD for Electromagnetic Modelling
Time: 16:10 - 17:50
Title: Part III Hands-on/Live demo
Room: Building C-13, room 1.27
Chairs: Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland), Jovana R Prekodravac, Dr. (Vinca Institute of the Nuclear Sciences-National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Serbia)

Thursday, July 4
MIKON Workshop 3: Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Characterisation of Materials
Time: 08:30 - 10:10
Title: Material characterisation with resonant methods in various frequency ranges.
8:30 Introduction to the Workshop
8:40 Material characterisation with resonant methods in 1-30 GHz frequency range - Marzena Olszewska-Placha, QWED Sp. z o.o., Poland
9:10 Material characterisation with a Fabry-Perot open resonator in 10-130 GHz frequency range - Bartlomiej Salski, Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology, Poland
9:40 Developing good practices and standards for material characterisation for 5G & 6G technologies - Lucas Enright, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Room: Building C-13, room 0.32
Chair: Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland)

MIKON Workshop 4: Microwave and Millimetre-Wave Characterisation of Materials
Time: 10:40 - 12:20
Title: Hands-on session with real-life fixtures for material characterisation.
Room: Building C-13, room 0.32
Chair: Marzena Olszewska-Placha (QWED Sp. z o. o., Poland)