GHz nanoscale electrical and dielectric measurements
of the solid-electrolyte interphase
and applications in the battery manufacturing line
On 11 January 2020, as a part of its communication activities, the EU H2020 NanoBat project has released a brand-new animated video clip showcasing the process of developing the novel nanotechnology tool box for quality testing of Li-ion and beyond Lithium batteries. The short 3D animation makes the work of the 13-partner strong consortium more accessible to a wide audience in an entertaining way.

QWED contributions are highlighted from the two research perspectives pursued by us in the project: computational modelling of multiphysics processes in batteries and test-fixtures (with new functionalities added to QuickWaveTM software) and experimental characterisation of battery materials (with 2D surface scanners incorporating a new 10GHz Q-Meter).
The NanoBat project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 861962.