Conformal FDTD mesh

Conformal FDTD engine
no time step reduction!
correction of field singularities appearing at metal edges, corners, and wires
unique models for curved boundaries
automatic and adaptive (taking into account material parameters) mesh generation
local mesh refinement option
FDTD grid available for viewing
actual FDTD mesh available for viewing
conformal FDTD algorithm parameters available for viewing (useful for experienced users)
accurate and stable conformal representation of curved metal boundaries
higher-order modelling of media interfaces

Conformal Approximations for Irregular Geometries
Classical stair-case meshing radically corrupts the physical geometry. Good shape imitation can be approximated by mesh refinement, but it drastically increases memory occupancy and simulation time.
QuickWave uses advanced conformal boundary models which allow precise and accurate modelling of curved shapes and obtaining high accuracy simulation results without time-step reduction!

Test FDTD mesh
An important tool for verification if the mesh used in simulation corresponds to the intentions of the user.
After opening the Test Mesh window we can see layer by layer how the FDTD grid has been created by the QW-Editor. For a cell pointed by a cursor, its position, cell type and filling media are shown in window status. More detailed information for each cell is provided by Media Info dialogue.
Test Mesh of microwave oven with sandwich and glass plate and medium info for 'ciabatta' medium.
Two-reflectors Cassegrain antenna with local mesh refinement.