3.5    Add or Edit Objective

The Add Objective dialogue can be invoked using Add… button in the Objectives tab of the Configure Optimiser dialogue and allows adding new objective.

The Edit Objective dialogue can be invoked using Edit… button in the Objectives tab of the Configure Optimiser dialogue and allows changing the previously set parameters of the selected objective.

Objective can be based on different post-processings and appropriate post-processings must be defined and activated in the project.

The Type option contains the list of objective types that are available:

·        S-Parameters Objective (Scattering Parameters)

·        S-Parameters SMN Objective (Scattering SMN Parameters)

·        Radiation Pattern Objective

·        FD-Probing Objective

·        Saved Data Objective

·        Collect Data for Grid Search

·        Radiation Parameters Objective


The Objective option contains the list of results that will be used in optimisation or parameters sweep. The More… button invokes Add Objective Name dialogue for choosing the additional results that are not included in the default Objective choice (e.g. phases of scattering parameters).

The objective goal can be set with Target, Lower bound and Upper bound, and the Condition between them.

After checking Objective Formula option the user can introduce the arithmetic operations on the selected results that will be taken by QW-Optimiser as an objective results. See Objective Formula chapter for more information.


The Freq/Angle Range describes the frequency/angle range of post-processing. During the optimisation process, the results in the full range of post-processing will be displayed. However, the goal function may concern only the sub-range defined in the Sub-Range Objective dialogue after pressing Sub-Range… button. In case of inconsistent settings, such that the optimisation Sub-range exceeds beyond the post-processing range, QW-OptimiserPlus stops and issues a warning.


The Visible in Log parameter indicates if the current value of an objective at consecutive optimisation steps will be shown in Optimiser Info during the optimisation process. This can also be controlled with Show in Log options in the Objectives tab of the Configure Optimiser dialogue.

The View Objective Results parameter indicates if the results for the objective will be displayed in the Results window. This can be also controlled with View Results options in the Objectives tab of the Configure Optimiser dialogue.

The Save button allows saving the current objective parameters to the text file and use this file in other optimisation projects as objective from file.

If the Use Objective from file is checked, the Target, Lower bound and Upper bound in a sub-range for a particular objective can be read from file. See Objective from file chapter for more information.

Decibel scale option allows setting Lower, Target and Upper values as in decibel scale, also for objective from file.

If the Save Objective Results option is checked, after each optimisation or grid search step the results of the current simulation will be saved in the file with the name:



<PROJECTNAME> - name of the project

<OPTGS> - string ”opt” for optimisation, ”gs” for grid search

<OBJNB> - number of objective

<OPTIT> - number of current iteration of optimisation or grid search

Additionally the files with the name:


will be saved. These files contain current values for variables that were selected for particular optimisation or grid search step.

File *.udp can be easily imported to QW-Editor in the Add Object window by pressing Get button.