12.5.10                Points/Probes Info

The button_info_points button in Info tab or with Points/Probes Info->Points/Probes Info… command from main menu or context menu invoke Points/Probes Info dialogue for viewing the information about all point ports or probes defined in the project.

The Points/Probes Info dialogue can also be invoked when Test Mesh window is opened, using button_pointsprobes button from Mesh tab of QW-Simulator Ribbon or Points and Probes command from Mesh menu of QW-Simulator main menu.




The list contains all point ports or probes defined in the project and their names, types, components, and resistances are displayed. Each point port or probe from the list can be selected and its visual representation is displayed in the Info frame.

The Show button changes the Mesh display to show the selected point port or probe in the chosen Plane.

The Info… button invokes Point/Probe Info dialogue for viewing the parameters of the point port or probe selected from the list.

The Dynamic… button invokes Point/Probe Info dialogue for viewing the parameters of the point port or probe in a dynamic mode – the parameters are displayed for the point port or probe pointed by mouse cursor in Mesh display or LC display


It is advised to refer to Point source and Point probe for more details regarding point sources and probes.