1.1.3   Mesh

QW-Simulator Mesh tab is arranged in sections enabling basic file operations like loading projects, starting and managing simulation process, testing FDTD mesh, and provides access to the testing tools that allow checking the position and dimensions of different simulation objects like, e.g. transmission line ports, MUR wall/box, NTF box, etc.



Project section

mesh_project      mesh_project2

Project section contains the following commands:

button_open - opens QW-Simulator tasker, parameters, shape or freeze file

button_home_open_tasker - opens tasker file (*.ta3)

button_home_open_freeze - opens freeze file (*.sfr)

button_home_open_shape - opens shape file (*.sh3)

button_home_project_description - opens and edits project description file

button_home_edit_ta3 - edits current tasker file

button_home_import_recent - opens Import Recent Files dialogue for importing recent files list from other version of QuickWave

button_home_clear_recent - clears the list of projects that have been recently loaded

button_home_clear_env - clears the list and settings of windows that have been opened


Run section

mesh_run      mesh_run2      mesh_run3

Run section contains the following command:

button_run - contains the list of the following commands:

button_run_start - starts the simulation

button_run_stop - stops the simulation

button_run_suspend - suspends the simulation

button_run_resume - resumes the simulation

button_run_step - executes one FDTD iteration of the current simulation

button_run_create - creates the simulation but does not start the calculation

button_run_delete - deletes created simulation

button_run_nexttask - switches to the next task defined in the task list

button_setpriority - sets system priority of QW-Simulator process


Test Mesh section


Test Mesh section contains the following commands:

button_mesh - opens Test Mesh window (with settings from windows history) with FDTD mesh used in simulation

button_meshviewsaved - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh loaded from shape *.sh3 file

button_planexy - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation – visualisation in XY plane

button_planexz - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation – visualisation in XZ plane

button_planeyz - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation – visualisation in YZ plane


Display Options section


Display Options section contains the following options:

button_isotropic - switches on or off a display mode which preserves geometrical proportions

button_meshgrid - switches on or off visualisation of FDTD mesh lines

button_meshstructure - switches on or off visualisation of project structure


Info section


Info section contains the following commands:

button_inspect - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Mesh Inspect dialogue for inspecting FDTD mesh

button_geometry - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also XYZ dialogue for dynamic inspecting dimensions of FDTD mesh cells

button_media - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Media Info dialogue with media information

button_dispmedia - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Dispersive Media Info dialogue with dispersive media information

button_lumpedimp - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Lumped Impedances Info dialogue with lumped impedances ports information

button_pointsprobes - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Points/Probes Info dialogue with lumped sources/probes ports information

button_transmline - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Transmission Line Ports Info dialogue with transmission line ports information

button_planewaves - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Plane Wave Boxes Info dialogue with plane wave ports information

button_abc - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Absorbing Boundary Conditions Info dialogue with absorbing boundary conditions information

button_ntf - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also NTF Boxes Info dialogue with near to far box information

button_fieldmonitors - opens Test Mesh window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and also Fields Monitors Info dialogue with fields monitors information

button_warnings - opens Test Mesh window and also Warnings Info dialogue that shows information about the cells which contain meshing warning


Test LC section


Test LC section contains the following command:

button_lc - opens Test LC window with FDTD mesh used in simulation and the matrices describing the properties of each of the conformal FDTD cells for the purpose of the electromagnetic simulation (see Conformal FDTD algorithm parameters)


Help section


Help section contains the following command:

button_help_mesh - opens help for Mesh commands (present chapter)