1.1     Ribbon

QW-Simulator Ribbon contains of the following tabs:









QW-Simulator Ribbon is organised in a series of tabs divided in sections with grouped commands and contains the following types of buttons and controls:

button_open - push button

button2_efield - push button with commands

button3_onoff2  button3_onoff - push button which can be off or on

button4_small      button4_small_list - small push button with the dynamic list of choices


button_slider - slider for setting the value


home_project - label button with commands


Please note that commands availability is dependent on the state of simulation, project type, post-processings, etc. The reason of the unavailability is described in the tooltip of the command:



QW-Simulator ribbon is organised in Home, Run, Mesh, Results, 1D Fields, 2D/3D Fields, Monitor, and Optimiser tabs, which will be described in detail further in this section.