3.1.1    Ribbon

1D Fields window Ribbon contains of the following tabs:









ribbon_export0   Components



For QW-3D projects the following E and H components are available:


button_comp_ex - displays Ex component of electric field in space or time domain

button_comp_ey - displays Ey component of electric field in space or time domain

button_comp_ez - displays Ez component of electric field in space or time domain

button_comp_e - displays total electric field E in space or time domain

button_comp_hx - displays Hx component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_comp_hy - displays Hy component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_comp_hz - displays Hz component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H in space or time domain



For QW-3D projects and the quasi-static template the following E and H components are available:


button_components_ue - displays electric potential Ue in space or time domain

button_components_dx - displays Dx component of electric displacement field in space or time domain

button_components_dy - displays Dy component of electric displacement field in space or time domain

button_components_d - displays total electric displacement field D in space or time domain

button_components_um - displays magnetic potential Um in space or time domain

button_comp_hx - displays Hx component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_comp_hy - displays Hy component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H in space or time domain



For QW-V2D projects the following E and H components are available:


button_comp_ex - displays Ex component of electric field in space or time domain

button_components_erho - displays Er component of electric field in space or time domain

button_components_ephi - displays Ej component of electric field in space or time domain

button_comp_e - displays total electric field E in space or time domain

button_comp_hx - displays Hx component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_components_hrho - displays Hr component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_components_hphi - displays Hj component of magnetic field in space or time domain

button_comp_h - displays total magnetic field H in space or time domain



For QW-V2D projects and the quasi-static template the following E and H components are available:


button_components_ue - displays electric potential Ue in space or time domain

button_components_drhorho - displays Dr*r product in space or time domain

button_components_um - displays magnetic potential Um in space or time domain

button_components_hphirho - displays Hj*r product in space or time domain



At Point components:

button_comp_ep - opens Choose Source/Probe/Lumped dialogue for choosing lumped element for displaying electric field at this specified point in circuit in time domain

button_comp_hp - opens Choose Source/Probe/Lumped dialogue for choosing lumped element for displaying magnetic field at this specified point in circuit in time domain

button_comp_up - opens Choose Source/Probe/Lumped dialogue for choosing lumped element for displaying voltage at this element in time domain

button_comp_ip - opens Choose Source/Probe/Lumped dialogue for choosing lumped element for displaying current through this element in time domain



Along Contour components:

button_comp_ec - opens Choose Contour dialogue for choosing one of available contours for displaying electric field along this specified contour

button_comp_hc - opens Choose Contour dialogue for choosing one of available contours for displaying magnetic field along this specified contour

button_comp_uc - opens Choose Contour dialogue for choosing one of available contours for displaying electric field integral along this specified contour

button_comp_ic - opens Choose Contour dialogue for choosing one of available contours for displaying magnetic field integral along this specified contour



Power components:

button_comp_pd - displays power dissipated in space or time domain

button_comp_pd2 - displays power dissipated density in space or time domain

button_comp_pde - displays power dissipated in electric losses in space or time domain

button_comp_pdh - displays power dissipated in magnetic losses in space or time domain



SAR, Temperature, Enthalpy and Total Energy components:

button_comp_sar - displays Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) results in space or time domain

button_comp_temp - displays Temperature results in space or time domain. In time domain, Temperature is displayed in QW-BHM regime versus the heating time set in Position & Parameters dialogue.

button_comp_enth - displays Enthalpy results in space or time domain. In time domain, Enthalpy is displayed in QW-BHM regime versus the heating time set in Position & Parameters dialogue

button_comp_energy - opens Energy dialogue for choosing options for displaying total Energy accumulated in the circuit in time domain



NTFFA postprocessing components:

button_comp_ephi - opens Choose NTFFA Postprocessing dialogue for choosing NTFFA post-processing for displaying Ej component of electric field in time domain

button_comp_etheta - opens Choose NTFFA Postprocessing dialogue for choosing NTFFA post-processing for displaying Eq component of electric field in time domain




button_comp_waveform - opens Choose Source dialogue for choosing one of available sources for displaying its excitation waveform



button_toolbars - hides the 1D Fields window Ribbon and shows all 1D Fields window Toolbars

button_help_components - opens help for Components tab commands (present chapter)   Domain


button_domain_x - sets space domain along X axis and opens Position YZ dialogue for setting Y and Z coordinates in FDTD cells. Pressing this button again will open Position YZ dialogue for modifying Y and Z coordinates.

button_domain_y - sets space domain along Y axis and opens Position XZ dialogue for setting X and Z coordinates in FDTD cells. Pressing this button again will open Position XZ dialogue for modifying X and Z coordinates.

button_domain_z - sets space domain along Z axis and opens Position XY dialogue for setting X and Y coordinates in FDTD cells. Pressing this button again will open Position XY dialogue for modifying X and Y coordinates.

button_domain_xp - changes the X coordinate of the probing point up by one

button_domain_xm - changes the X coordinate of the probing point down by one

button_domain_yp - changes the Y coordinate of the probing point up by one

button_domain_ym - changes the Y coordinate of the probing point down by one

button_domain_zp - changes the Z coordinate of the probing point up by one

button_domain_zm - changes the Z coordinate of the probing point down by one

button_domain_time - sets time domain and opens Position & Parameters dialogue for setting time domain parameters. Pressing this button again will open Position & Parameters dialogue for modifying time domain parameters (for Temperature and Enthalpy components, it will open Position & Parameters dialogue for setting BHM regime parameters).

button_domain_sec - sets time domain unit to seconds

button_domain_ms - sets time domain unit to milliseconds

button_domain_us - sets time domain unit to microseconds

button_domain_ns - sets time domain unit to nanoseconds

button_domain_ps - sets time domain unit to picoseconds

button_domain_fs - sets time domain unit to femtoseconds

button_domain_temporary - time domain directory will be deleted when the window is closed (equivalent to Temporary TD directory option in Position & Parameters dialogue)

button_domain_permanent - time domain directory will remain on disk after the window is closed (equivalent to Permanent TD directory option in Position & Parameters dialogue)

button_toolbars - hides the 1D Fields window Ribbon and shows all 1D Fields window Toolbars

button_help_domain - opens help for Domain tab commands (present chapter)   Scale/Functions


button_scale_lin - sets Linear scale

button_scale_db - sets Decibel scale

button_scale_set - opens Scaling dialogue for setting scales parameters

button_scale_grid - switches on/off values for grid lines

button_scale_format - opens Format Axes dialogue for setting scales display parameters

button_scale_timeunit2 - allows setting time domain unit

button_scale_markers - shows or hides markers and Markers Pane

button_scale_font - opens Select Font dialogue for choosing the font for the text in the Markers Pane

button_scale_s11 - shows calculated S11 value in the Markers Pane - the absolute value of the reflection coefficient in the considered part of the circuit is calculated after placing one marker in the maximum and the other one in the minimum of the results displayed in the Fields Display

button_scale_attn - shows calculated Attenuation value in the Markers Pane - the attenuation is calculated between two points indicated by the markers in the Fields Display

button_scale_tdr - shows calculated Time-Domain Reflectometry results in the Markers Pane – it is calculated between two points indicated by the markers in the Fields Display

button_toolbars - hides the 1D Fields window Ribbon and shows all 1D Fields window Toolbars

button_help_scale - opens help for Scale/Functions tab commands (present chapter)   Display


button_display_reset - resets the envelope construction

button_display_envlines - shows or hides lower and upper envelope lines

button_display_redraw - updates results and refreshes current display

button_display_dynamic - switches on/off window dynamic refresh

button_display_refresh - opens Refresh Settings dialogue with window refresh settings

button_display_preferences - opens Display Options dialogue for setting display options

button_toolbars - hides the 1D Fields window Ribbon and shows all 1D Fields window Toolbars

button_help_display - opens help for Display tab commands (present chapter)   Export


button_export_save - saves displayed results to the *.de3 file

button_export_picture - saves the current display to the *.bmp, *.jpg or *.png file

button_export_clipboard- copies the current display to the Clipboard

button_export_bmp - exports the current display to the *.bmp file

button_export_jpg - exports the current display to the *.jpg file

button_export_png - exports the current display to the *.png file

button_toolbars - hides the 1D Fields window Ribbon and shows all 1D Fields window Toolbars

button_help_export - opens help for Export tab commands (presents chapter)