V2D electromagnetic fields
Refer to "Industrial Design of Axisymmetrical Devices Using a Customized FDTD Solver from RF to Optical Frequency Bands" paper reviewing fascinating applications of the QuickWave V2D software that was published in the IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 9, No.6.
The total electromagnetic field in BOR (Bodies of Revolution) structures can be decomposed into a series of orthogonal modes, of different angular field dependence of the cos(nPhi) or sin(nPhi) type, where Phi is angular variable of the cylindrical coordinate system and n=0,1,2... Each n-mode is analysed separately in QuickWave V2D. Under such assumptions the numerical analysis can be conducted in two space dimensions, over one half of the long-section of the structure, with n predefined as a parameter. Let us note that the n-mode defined above should not be confused with one mode of a circular waveguide. For example, one QuickWave V2D analysis with n=1 takes into account a composition of all circular waveguide modes TE1k and TM1m where k and m are arbitrary natural numbers.
QW-Simulator allows dynamic monitoring of field distributions during time-domain simulations with any kind of excitation. For such monitoring no special arrangements are needed before launching the simulation. The user can decide at any time of the simulation: which fields are of interest, what kind of displays he prefers and how many windows he wants to open.
QuickWave enables monitoring directional components of electric and magnetic fields as well as total electric and total magnetic field.
QuickWave delivers 1D distribution display, which allows time domain monitoring of the electric field (directional components Ex, Eρ, Eφ, and total E-field) and magnetic field (directional components Hx, Hρ, Hφ, and total H-field) along any line parallel to one of the x or ρ axes or in a particular point of the circuit versus time. The 1D monitoring delivers instantaneous and envelope (time-maximum) values of the chosen quantity and is available in 1D Fields window.
The time-dependent 2D distribution of the electric field (directional components Ex, Eρ, Eφ, and total E-field) and magnetic field (directional components Hx, Hρ, Hφ, and total H-field), is available in the xρ and ρφ planes. The 2D electric and magnetic field distributions are available in 2D/3D Fields Distribution window, which enables time domain monitoring and displaying of the amplitude (instantaneous, time-maximum, time-average) of total electric and total magnetic fields as well as their directional components (Ex, Eρ, Eφ, Hx, Hρ, Hφ).
QuickWave delivers time-dependent 3D vector display of the instantaneous total electric and total magnetic field distribution. This feature is enabled in 2D/3D Fields Distribution window and allows for displaying total electric and total magnetic field in the circuit with arrows. The 3D vector display is not enabled for directional components of electric and magnetic fields, but allows for displaying total electric and total magnetic field distribution simultaneously at one display.