12.5.1                  Syntax of port commands

·       PORT (<level>,< height >,<type>,<activity>,<name>,<reference>) - Starts the port frame.

<level> - level of port base,

<height>- height of port,

<type>            - type of port (corresponding port types of QW-Editor shown in brackets)

POINT                       (Lumped source/probe, source)

PROBE                      (Lumped source/probe, load)

INPTEMPLATE                       (Transmission line, source)

OUTTEMPLATE                     (Transmission line, load)

MUR                        (Absorbing wall termination with the Mur with superabsorbing absorbing boundary condition)

MURBOX                (Absorbing box termination with the Mur with superabsorbing absorbing boundary condition)

PML                        (Absorbing wall termination with the Perfectly Matched Layer absorbing boundary condition)

PMLBOX                (Absorbing box termination with the Perfectly Matched Layer absorbing boundary condition)

SHORT                      (Symmetry plane, electric)

OPEN                      (Symmetry plane, magnetic)

SPECIAL                       (Mesh snapping plane)

NEUTRAL                       (Neutral mesh snapping plane)

BETWEEN                      (Suspended mesh snapping plane)

REFERENCE                     (Reference plane)

NEAR2FAR                       (NTF box)

NEAR2NEAR                    (NTN box)

PLANEWAVE                       (Plane Wave box)

CONTOUR_E                       (Electric contour)

CONTOUR_H                       (Magnetic contour)

FDMONITOR                       (Field Monitor 2D)

MONITOR3D                        (Field Monitor 3D)

LUMPEDIMP                       (Lumped Impedance)

BHMROTATIONAXIS                          (BHM Rotation Axis)

BHMMOVEMENTTRAJECTORY      (BHM Movement Trajectory)


<activity> - activity direction of port:

UP - positive direction of axis,

DOWN - negative direction of axis,

NONE - port without activity.

<name> - name of port,

<reference> - name of the associated port: reference for I/O port, I/O port for reference, NULL for I/O ports without reference planes.

·       PORTPAR (<size->,<size+>,<activity->,<activity+>,<port_plane>,<port_circumf.>) - Sets mesh snapping and mesh enforcing properties of the port

<size-> - maximum cell size in the negative direction starting from the port plane

<size+> - maximum cell size in the positive direction starting from the port plane

<activity-> - 0 or 1; if 1  <size->  is active

<activity+> - 0 or 1; if 1 <size+>  is active

<port_plane> - 0 or 1; if 1 mesh is snapped to the port plane

<port_circumf.>- 0 or 1; if 1 mesh is snapped to the port circumference.

·       PORTPAR2 (<subregions_margin>, <active_walls>, <dummy>, <dummy>) - Sets additional parameters to the port

<subregions_margin> - adjacent subregions overlay (number of common cells)

<active_walls>          3D PLANEWAVE active walls coded on bits:

      32:X-, 16:X+, 8:Y-, 4:Y+, 2:Z-, 1:Z+ (parameter ignored for –1)

<dummy> - parameter for future usage (value –1 recommended)

·       GETIOPAR (<file_name.iop>) - The I/O port parameters are read from the file file_name.iop. For principles of the *.iop file location please refer to Files used by UDO language and their location.

·       PORTEXC (<point1z>,<point2z>) - Allows moving the excitation points to arbitrary z-level. It is needed to use special excitation point arrangement for template calculation in vertical ports. See also Transmission Line Port dialogue.

·       PORTPOSTP (<arg1>,<arg2>) - Refers to lumped source/probe and determines in which postprocessing it is to be included

<arg1> - 0 or 1; if 1 the lumped source/probe is included in FD-Probing

<arg2> - 0 or 1; if 1 the lumped source/probe is included in S-Parameters extraction

·       EPSEFF (<value>) - Sets port effective permittivity

·       LUMPED (<component>,<options>,<resistance>) – Sets parameters for lumped (source/probe) port.

<component> - index 0 to 5 for Ex, Ey, Ez, Hx, Hy, Hz

<options> - 0 for 0 <resistance> is used, 1 denotes INF resistance, 2 is self adjust option

·       LUMPIMPPAR (<type>,<component>,<Rp>,<Lp>,<Cp>,<Rs>,<Ls>,<Cs>) – Sets parameters for lumped impedance.

<type> - index 1 to 5 for Parallel, Series, Drude, Debye, Lorentz

<component> - index 0 to 2 for Ex, Ey, Ez

<Rp>, <Lp>, <Cp>, <Rs>, <Ls>, <Cs> - equivalent circuit parameters

·       MODE (<mode_index>) – Sets port mode (0 – Dynamic, 1 – TEM (Quasistatic), 2 – R_TE10 (TE10 mode in rectangular waveguide), 3- R_TE01 (TE01 mode in rectangular waveguide), 4 - R_TE11 (TE11 mode in rectangular waveguide), 5 - R_TM11 (TM11 mode in rectangular waveguide), 6 - C_TE11 (TE11 mode in circular waveguide), 7 - C_TM01 (TM01 mode in circular waveguide), 8 – multiTEM, 9 – planeTEM)

·       TEMPA (<mode>,<m>,<n>,<match_freq>,<dummy>) – sets parameters for port analitic template accordingly to I/O Port Parameters or Transmission Line Port dialogue

<mode> - template mode (0 - rectangular TE, 1 - rectangular TM, 2 - circular TE, 3 - circular TM)

<m>, <n> - indices of the mode

<match_freq> - matching frequency for template generation

·       TEMPD (<method>,<match_freq>,<within>,<from>,<to>,<step>,<component>,<iterations>) – Sets parameters for port dynamic template accordingly to I/O Port Parameters or Transmission Line Port dialogue

<method> - 0/1: automatic/manual

<match_freq> - matching frequency for template generation

<within> - within +/- frequency for matching frequency for template generation

<from> - template mode searching frequency from

<to> - template mode searching frequency to

<step> - template mode searching frequency step

<component> - excitation field component for template generation

<iterations> - number of iterations for template generation

·       TEMPDP (<method>,<match_freq>,<within>,<from>,<to>,<step>,<component>,<periods>) – Sets parameters for port dynamic template accordingly to I/O Port Parameters or Transmission Line Port dialogue and allows set number of periods

<method> - 0/1 automatic/manual

<match_freq> - matching frequency for template generation

<within> - within +/- frequency for matching frequency for template generation

<from> - template mode searching frequency from

<to> - template mode searching frequency to

<step> - template mode searching frequency step

<component> - excitation field component for template generation

<periods> - number of periods for template generation

·       MULTIPOINT (<enable>,<size|shape>) – Sets multipoint option for POINT source in INPTEMPLATE, OUTTEMPLATE template mode searching

<enable> - 1/0: enable/disable

<size|shape> - string containing size/lambda value terminated optionally by char defining shape of multipoint region. Char V/H sets linear shape (vertical or horizontal) for template excitation, X/Y/Z sets plane shape (x/y/z=const) for POINT source.

·       MTEM (<medium_name>,<potential>) – Assigns potential to metal materials in port.

·       PLWAVE (<phi>,<theta>,<polarisation>) - Sets plane wave box excitation angles.

·       PLWBEAM (<beam_type>,<neck_origin_X>,<neck_origin_Y>,<neck_origin_Z>,<neck_diameter>,<angle_of_variaton>) - Sets beam parameters.

·       PROFILE (<type>,<par_a>,<par_b>,<file_name>) – Sets PML profile parameters.

<type> - profile of the PML (0 - Parabolic, 1 - Expotential, 2 - from file)

·       PROFILE2 (<thickness>,<type>,<par_a>,<par_b>,<file_name>) Sets PML thickness and profile parameters.

<type> - profile of the PML (0 - Parabolic, 1 - Expotential, 2 - from file)

·       SYMMETRY (<symm_v>,<symm_h>) – Defines port vertical and/or horizontal symmetry(-ies)

<symm_v>,<symm_h> - 0 or 1; if 1 the symmetry is on

·       WAVEFORM (<shape>,<f1>,<f2>,<duration>,<amplitude>,<delay>,<file_name>) – Defines excitation parameters accordingly to Waveform.

–1, 0, …, 7 for no_excitation, delta, sinusoidal, pulse of spectrum f<f2, pulse of spectrum f1<f<f2, Gauss of spectrum f=f1(-/+f2), step pulse, step with finite rise tr=1/f2, defined by user, respectively.

·       WAVEFORM2 (<amplitude_im>,<delay_im>) – Defines imaginary parts of excitation parameters for periodic circuits accordingly to Waveform.

·       FDMLOCALFREQ (<frequencies_string>) – Sets frequencies for port of type FDMONITOR and MONITOR3D. This command can be used within PORT-ENDPORT command block.

·       FDMLOCALSPARS (<sparsX>, <sparsY>, <sparsZ) – Sets spatial sparsity in X, Y, and Z direction for port of type FDMONITOR and MONITOR3D. This command can be used within PORT-ENDPORT command block.

·       FDMLOCALCOMP (<Ex>, <Ey>, <Ez>, <Hx>, <Hy>, <Hz>) – Sets components for port of type FDMONITOR and MONITOR3D (0 – turn off, other value – turn on). This command can be used within PORT-ENDPORT command block.

·       ENDPORT - End of the port frame.


See also: I/O Ports and Special Planes and Boundaries.


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