1.2 Toolbars
Toolbars provide access to commands in a form of buttons. QW-Editor contains several toolbars with basic commands needed for creating complete project for FDTD electromagnetic simulation.
Toolbars can be switched on with button available in the QW-Editor Ribbon's Home tab, in View section. QW-Editor Ribbon can be switched on with
button from the toolbar.
The toolbar’s icons size can be changed in the Preferences dialogue.
Each toolbar can be shown or hidden separately from the context menu by clicking right mouse button on an empty space near the main menu.
File toolbar contains the following commands:
- creates new QW-Editor project
- opens QW-Editor project
- saves QW-Editor project with the current name
- saves QW-Editor project with the new name
- opens Set UDO’s Paths dialogue for managing the directories where QW-Editor will automatically look for *.udo files, if they are not found at the originally indicated location
Parameters toolbar contains the following commands:
- opens Amigo dialogue with options for automatic FDTD mesh generation process
- opens Circuit dialogue with options for circuit properties configuration
- opens I/O Ports Parameters dialogue for setting parameters of all ports defined in the project
- opens Processing/Postprocessing dialogue with options for all post-processings configuration
- opens Units dialogue for specifying the geometry units in which the project will be created and also the frequency units
- opens Project Media dialogue that allows managing media in the current project
Windows toolbar contains the following commands:
- opens 2D Window displaying the 2D view of 3D structure in a chosen plane and enabling drawing in XY plane
- opens 3D Window showing the 3D structure in OpenGL display
- shows/hides Project Info dialogue with warning messages issued by Export procedures or by Parser – UDO scripts interpreter
- refreshes the project after introducing modifications
- arranges the visible windows on the screen
Project toolbar contains the following commands:
- redraws in draft phase all objects created from UDO scripts (see Biphased Elements and Objects chapter for more information)
- redraws in final phase all objects created from UDO scripts (see Biphased Elements and Objects chapter for more information)
- shows/hides Project Tree dock window with tree view of the project content
- hides all QW-Editor Toolbars and shows the QW-Editor Ribbon
Export toolbar contains the following commands:
- opens Energy Stop Criterion dialogue with options for simulation energy stop criterion
- opens Export Options dialogue with options for Export action configuration
- exports the project to QW-Simulator
- exports the project to QW-Simulator and runs the chosen QW-Simulator
- exports the project to QW-Simulator, runs the chosen QW-Simulator, and opens Test Mesh window
- exports the project to QW-Simulator, runs the chosen QW-Simulator, and starts the simulation
- exports the project to QW-Simulator, runs the chosen QW-Simulator, and starts the simulation using QProny module
Tools toolbar contains the following commands:
- runs, by default, a standard calculator available in the Windows operating system (see Set Tools chapter for more information)
- runs, by default, a standard text editor (Notepad) available in the Windows operating system (see Set Tools chapter for more information)
- runs selected QW-Simulator
- exports current geometry to SAT file
- imports geometry from SAT file with SAT Filter
- imports geometry from DXF file with DXF Converter
- opens UDO Editor window
- choice of the QW-Simulator version that will be used for simulations (see Set Tools chapter for more information)
Help toolbar contains the following commands:
- opens the main help for QW-Editor
- opens the window with QuickWave End User Licence Agreement
- opens About dialogue with general information about QW‑Editor