12.1.2                Toolbars

Toolbars provide access to commands in a form of buttons.

toollbar_down - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer down

toollbar_goto - opens Go to dialogue for changing currently displayed layer

toollbar_up - changes the layer of cells that is displayed by one layer up

toollbar_susp - shows/hides suspended layers

 - opens Go to Cell dialogue for setting the cell number to be displayed

toollbar_yx - sets XY plane for the display

toollbar_xz - sets XZ plane for the display

toollbar_yz - sets YZ plane for the display

toollbar_mesh - switches display to Mesh display

toollbar_lc - switches display to advanced LC display

toollbar_iso - switches on/off isotropic view for the display

toollbar_meshgrid - shows/hides a grid of the FDTD mesh

toollbar_names - shows/hides the names of the project geometry and non-geometrical simulation objects like, e.g. transmission line ports, ABC wall/box, NTF box, Field Monitors etc.

toollbar_ports - shows/hides all non-geometrical simulation objects like, e.g. transmission line ports, ABC wall/box, NTF box, Field Monitors etc.

toollbar_struct - shows/hides project structure display

toollbar_ribbon - hides all Test Mesh window Toolbars and shows the Test Mesh window Ribbon

toollbar_inspect - opens Mesh Inspect dialogue for viewing the information about FDTD mesh in each direction

toollbar_geometry - opens XYZ dialogue for viewing exact coordinates of a particular point

toollbar_media - opens Media Info dialogue for viewing the information about all media defined in the project

toollbar_mediadisp - opens Dispersive Media Info dialogue for viewing the information about all dispersive media defined in the project

toollbar_lump - opens Lumped Impedances Info dialogue for viewing the information about all lumped impedances defined in the project

toollbar_point - opens Points/Probes Info dialogue for viewing the information about all point ports or probes defined in the project

toollbar_transm - opens Transmission Line Ports Info dialogue for viewing the information about all transmission line ports defined in the project

toollbar_plw - opens Plane Wave Boxes Info dialogue for viewing the information about all plane wave boxes defined in the project

toollbar_abc - opens Absorbing Boundary Conditions Info dialogue for viewing the information about all absorbing boundary conditions defined in the project

toollbar_ntf - opens NTF Boxes Info dialogue for viewing the information about all Near To Far boxes defined in the project

toollbar_monitors - opens Fields Monitors Info dialogue for viewing the information about all fields monitors defined in the project

toollbar_warnings - opens Warnings Info dialogue for viewing warning information about the cells which contain meshing warning


Toolbars can be switched on with button_mesh_toolbars button available in the Test Mesh window Ribbon or with Switch->Switch to Toolbars command from main menu or context menu.

Test Mesh window Ribbon can be switched on with toollbar_ribbon button from the toolbar or with Switch->Switch to Ribbon command from main menu or context menu.