2.1.1   Ribbon

Results window Ribbon contains of the following tabs:








ribbon_additional    Results


button_config - opens Config dialogue for managing all calculated results curves

button_references - opens Reference Location dialogue enabling a virtual shift of reference plane position

button_dynamic - switches on/off dynamic (at every FDTD iteration) results refresh

button_refresh - opens Refresh Settings dialogue for setting results refresh options

button_first - shows only first curve from the results list

button_all - show all curves from the results list

button_xy - switches the display to XY (Cartesian) chart

button_polar - switches the display to Polar chart

button_smith - switches the display to Smith chart or Rieke chart for SWR

button_ext - switches on/off extended S-Parameters results

button_pbal - switches on/off S-Parameters power balance results

button_swr - switches on/off Standing Wave Ration and Group Delay results

button_3db - calculates and shows 3dB bandwidth for Decibel scale. The following presses of this button switch between consecutive modes of 3dB bandwidth display.

button_gammak - shows Gamma at Reference planes results from all Gamma at Reference planes post-processings

button_sinua - opens Set Frequency dialogue for setting frequency value for sinusoidal excitation in manual tuning of BHM regime

button_templ - opens Template Options dialogue for setting parameters of dynamic template in manual template generation procedure

button_change - opens Change Frequency dialogue for changing frequency range used for calculating and displaying Dispersive Media Chart

button_export_toolbars - hides the Results window Ribbon and shows all Results window Toolbars

button_help - opens help for Results tab commands (present chapter)    Scale

button_scale_lin - sets Linear scale

button_scale_db - sets Decibel scale. Certain quantities (i.e. phases) cannot be converted to decibel scale.

button_scale_qu - set Quadratic scale. Certain quantities (i.e. phases) cannot be converted to quadratic scale.

button_scale_auto - changes selected Left or Right scale to automatic

 - changes selected Left or Right scale to automatic with adjusting values

button_scale_set - opens Scaling dialogue for setting scale parameters

button_scale_choice - opens Scale Choice dialogue for assigning results curves to Left or Right scale

button_scale_leftright - activates Left and/or Right scale. Invoking the following commands will apply to the active scale(s): button_scale_auto, button_scale_def1, button_scale_def2, button_scale_def3

button_scale_def1 - sets Defined Scale 1 settings to Left and/or Right scale, depending on the chosen scale activity

button_scale_def2 - sets Defined Scale 2 settings to Left and/or Right scale, depending on the chosen scale activity

button_scale_def3 - sets Defined Scale 3 settings to Left and/or Right scale, depending on the chosen scale activity

button_scale_defset - opens Scaling dialogue for setting scale parameters for Defined Scales

button_scale_gridv - switches on/off values for grid lines

button_scale_second - when switched on means that the second scale(Right) will automatically appear on the right hand side, if any curve assigned to Right scale is displayed simultaneously with a curve assigned to Left scale

button_export_toolbars - hides the Results window Ribbon and shows all Results window Toolbars

button_scale_help - opens help for Scale tab commands (present chapter)    Radiation


button_config - opens Config dialogue for managing all calculated results curves

button_radiation_2dchart - opens Radiation Patterns dialogue for changing 2D radiation pattern parameters

button_radiation_freq - shows results curves for the next NTF Frequency available on the post-processing list

button_radiation_3dchart - invokes 3D Radiation Patterns dialogue for setting 3D radiation pattern parameters and then opens 3D Radiation Pattern window with 3D radiation pattern results

button_radiation_dir - switches radiation pattern results to Directive gain scaling

button_radiation_pow - switches radiation pattern results to Power gain scaling

button_radiation_abs1 - switches radiation pattern results to Absolute_1port gain scaling

button_radiation_abs - switches radiation pattern results to Absolute gain scaling

button_radiation_rel - switches radiation pattern results to Relative gain scaling

button_radiation_at1m - switches radiation pattern results to Fields at 1m gain scaling

 - switches radiation pattern results to RCS gain scaling

button_radiation_linear - shows radiation pattern results for Linear polarisation

button_radiation_circular - shows radiation pattern results for Circular polarisation

button_radiation_periodic -indicates possible diffraction orders in 3D periodic structures

button_export_toolbars - hides the Results window Ribbon and shows all Results window Toolbars

button_radiation_help - opens help for Radiation tab commands (present chapter)    Export

button_export_da3 - exports simulation results in QuickWave native format to the *.da3 file

button_export_sco - exports simulation results in Super Compact format to the *.sco file

button_export_snp - exports simulation results in Touchstone format to the *.snp file

button_export_txt - exports simulation results in pure data format to the *.txt file

button_export_csv - exports simulation results in Comma Separated Values format to the *.csv file

button_export_sac - exports simulation results in SAC format to the *.sac (radiation pattern results) or *.sap (S-parameters results) file - available for QW-V2D

button_export_grasp - exports simulation results in GRASP format to the *.gra file - available for radiation pattern for QW-V2D

button_export_save - saves simulation results to file, in formats chosen in the Results Formats dialogue

button_export_formats - opens Results Formats dialogue for choosing formats for saving simulation results

button_export_picture - saves the current display to the *.bmp, *.jpg or *.png file

button_export_clipboard - copies the current display to the Clipboard

button_export_bmp - exports the current display to the *.bmp file

button_export_jpg - exports the current display to the *.jpg file

button_export_png - exports the current display to the *.png file

 - exports the current display to the *.svg file

button_export_toolbars - hides the Results window Ribbon and shows all Results window Toolbars

button_export_help - opens help for Export tab commands (present chapter)    Import


ribbon_import_load - loads reference results from file

ribbon_import_loadsel - loads reference results from file and opens Select Results dialogue for choosing results to be loaded

ribbon_import_manage - opens Manage Reference List dialogue for managing the list of reference data files

ribbon_import_clear - clears the list of reference data files

ribbon_import_da3 - imports results in QuickWave native format from *.da3 file

ribbon_import_dat - imports results in QuickWave previous format from*.dat file

ribbon_import_snp - imports results in Touchstone format from*.s1p, *.s2p, *.snp files

ribbon_import_txt - imports results in pure data format from *.txt file. See also Choose Scale chapter.

ribbon_import_csv - imports results in Comma Separated Values format from *.csv file. See also Choose Scale chapter.

button_export_toolbars - hides the Results window Ribbon and shows all Results window Toolbars

ribbon_import_help - opens help for Import tab commands (present chapter)    Additional


ribbon_additional_add - opens Add Marker dialogue for adding additional cursor (marker) to the selected curve(s)

ribbon_additional_delete - opens Delete Last Marker dialogue for deleting last cursor (marker) from the selected curve(s)

ribbon_additional_values - switches on/off markerdescription that contains curve Name, current Domain position, and current Value

ribbon_additional_sync - when this option is off, only one cursor, which is the nearest to the mouse pointer will be moved. If this option is on, the nearest cursor from each visible curve will be moved together

ribbon_additional_addd - opens Delta Markers dialogue for defining the operations between markers for the selected visible curve

ribbon_additional_deleted - opens Delete Delta Markers dialogue for deleting the defined delta markers

ribbon_additional_showd - when this option is on, the delta markers legend is visible

ribbon_additional_addl - opens Label Options dialogue for adding Label (additional text) to the display

ribbon_additional_deletel - deletes selected Label

ribbon_additional_optionsl - opens Label Options dialogue for changing settings for the selected Label

ribbon_additional_showleg - shows the Legend

ribbon_additional_hideleg - hides the Legend

ribbon_additional_optionsleg - opens Legend Options dialogue for setting options for the Legend

ribbon_additional_refresh - opens Refresh Settings dialogue for setting results refresh options

ribbon_additional_pref - opens Results Options dialogue for setting display options

button_export_toolbars - hides the Results window Ribbon and shows all Results window Toolbars

ribbon_additional_help - opens help for Additional tab commands (present chapter)